Chapter 10- Breakfast

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When Hoseok woke up he looked over to the side and saw a lump and a quilt on his sofa making him scream

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When Hoseok woke up he looked over to the side and saw a lump and a quilt on his sofa making him scream. He jumped on top of the lump and screamed repeatedly.

Yoongi got up and looked at him, expecting him to stop but his eyes were closed as he hit him, so he grabbed his wrist and turned them around so he was hovering over Hoseok and put pressure on his wrist to stop the hitting. "It's me baby boy."

Hoseok sighed in relief, but it was short lived as soon as he realized the position they were in. Yoongi was looking at Hoseok's lips so Hoseok looked down at Yoongis. (Naturally) When Yoongis tongue ran across his bottom lip making it wet Hoseok visibly gulped. 

They then heard someone bust through the door and Yoongi fell off the side of the couch with a groan. "Hyung! Are you okay?" Jungkook and Jimin were by Hoseoks side immediately. 

Hoseok nodded and giggled, looking over at Yoongi on the floor. 

"Oh right, I am fine as well!" Yoongi said groaning on the ground.

"You weren't the one that was screaming." Jimin shot back.

"Guys, i'm fine I swear. Now go make breakfast and we will be out in a second." Hoseok said sitting up and putting on a hoodie that was lying on the floor. They both reluctantly left and Hoseok stood up and gave Yoongi a look. "Are you staying for breakfast?" He asked and Yoongi nodded before standing up and they both joined the couple in the kitchen and they were greeted with a horrific sight.

There was flour all over the floor and on the counter tops and Jimin was currently shirtless and Jungkook had butter all over his bare chest. "What is this?" Hoseok shrieked making Yoongi jump. 

Jimin giggled. "We're baking hyung." He then turned back and continued to kiss Jungkook making Hoseok gag. 

"We are leaving!" Jungkook gave a thumbs up but Jimin was pulling him down by the back of his neck as they lay down on the counter.

Hoseok grabbed Yoongis arm and pulled him out of the dorm. They looked at each other for a moment before bursting out into laughter. Hoseok was clutching his stomach and Yoongi was doubling over. 

The thing is... It wasn't even that funny.


Hoseok smiled when he saw Yoongi walking over with two steaming mugs. He set them down and he ran back to the counter making Hoseok furrow his eyebrows together. He then laughed when Yoongi came back with two plates that had muffins on them and he clapped. 

Yoongi grinned and set the plates in the middle of the table and gave one to Hoseok. He sat on the other side of the booth and ate. 

There was a silence, but Hoseok didn't look at it as an uncomfortable silence. Quite the opposite actually. 

"Hey, I am going to the bathroom, I will be a second." Yoongi said getting up and Hoseok waved him off and going back to his breakfast. 

There was a bell, signalling that someone had walked through, but Hoseok was too engrossed in the muffin to care.

"Well, well, well. Look what we have here." When Hoseok heard the voice he immediately froze. He looked up to be met with Chanyeol. "Hey doll."

Hoseok didn't look up and he suddenly felt someone sit in beside him. Chanyeol was on the opposite side of the booth and Baekhyun was on the other side of him leaving him trapped.

"Can't you tell im busy?" Hoseok snapped making Chanyeol smile widely. 

"With Min Yoongi?" He then laughed. "He looks like a twig. Doesn't seem like your type doll." Hoseok rolled his eyes and sighed. 

"Can you both just go away? I don't want you here." He said looking around for someone to hep him. 

"Look, i'm over you Hoseok, that is all I came to say." Hoseok paused for a moment before rolling his eyes.

"That's not what it looked like last week when you were at my side begging for me to take you back." Hoseok seethed. 

He then felt someone grab his chin. Baekhyun forced him to look at him. "If you don't stop lying I am going to cut your tongue out."  

"If you don't let go of him, I am going to cut your dick off." Hoseok snapped his head around which made the hands from under his chin fall. 

He saw Min Yoongi standing there and his chest was puffing out and his nostrils were flared. Hoseok had never seen anyone look as angry in his entire life.

He then grabbed Hoseok's hand and dragged him out of the cafe and sighed. "Are you okay?" 

Hoseok nodded and sighed looking in at the cafe windows to see them still sitting in the same spot seeming to have a deep conversation. 

"Thank you for that." He turned around and gave Yoongi a weak smile. Yoongi shrugged.

"It was pretty obvious you needed help." Hoseok smiled.

"Well, I better get ti class." He said and bowed. "Thank you for breakfast." He then began to walk away, fixing the strap on his bag. 

"Go on a date with me!"

Hoseok froze in his tracks, not daring to look back. Afraid. Afraid it was someone else. Afraid it was not for him. Afraid he was playing a prank on him. 

He reluctantly turned around and could see Yoongi. He was biting his lip and he was bouncing on the balls of his feet. Something inside Hoseok warmed up at the realization that Yoongi was just as nervous as he was about this. 

"What?" Was the only thing that word that Hoseok could mutter out of his mouth. Yoongi sighed and walked up to Hoseok.

"Go on a real date with me. Official." Hoseoks breathing hitched at the fact he was put on the spot.

"I need to think about it." Hoseok sighed. He saw the disappointment in Yoongis eyes and he breathed heavily. "I-I am so sorry. This was probably really hard for you to ask and-"

Hoseok was shut up by a finger pressed softly to his lips. "Hoseok, I get it. I don't want to pressure you into anything you don't want to do. Take your time. I will be here when you make your final decision." His hand moved from his lips and caressed Hoseoks cheek. 

Hoseok widened his eyes at the sudden contact. He had never experienced something as gentle and seemingly innocent.

Yoongi dropped his hand from Hoseoks cheek and Hoseok would be lying if he said he didn't miss it. "I will see you around baby boy."

He then walked in the opposite direction leaving a speechless Hoseok standing there gobsmacked. 


A/N- This  is really just a filler chapter but I hope you enjoyed!

(I felt bad after writing this after finishing the missing nine. I LOVE CHANYEOL SO MUCH I WANT TO CRY)

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