Chapter 28

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Karasuma almost hit another car as he drove his way towards the hospital. Once he arrived, he didn't even bothered to park his car. He stepped outside of his vehicle the second it stopped. He ran and entered the hospital, almost bumping into some nurses and patients. He was about to reach the door of the emergency room, when it suddenly bursted open. And out came a group of nurses, a doctor, and a familiar redhead, pushing a hospital bed with (Y/n) lying on it.

Again with this sh:)t? (Y/n) was really becoming the hospital's regular costumer. And Karasuma wasn't happy about that. He joined the group, as he stared at his daughter with face full of regret, worry, and all the sad emotions you could think of.

"Not again..." He whispered.

When they reached their path limit, Karasuma sat on one of the seats outside the operating room. While Karma was still standing, looking down with his hands on his hips.

"I entrusted you to her..." Karasuma muttered, "I trusted you to keep her safe!"

Karma kept his head down, which is very unusual for him to do so, "I'm..... Sorry...."

Karasuma stood up from his seat, as swift as the eye could see, and punched Karma right through the face. Karma could even feel the blood dripping from his nose.

"If you want to be someone more to her, then you better think straight, and learn from your mistakes. A dumbass can't protect someone with a life as complicated as (Y/n)'s, you know?"

For a few minutes Karma was silent, but he nodded, "Alright..."

Karasuma sighed.

The fire was controlled. When Karma escaped from the mansion with (Y/n) on his arms, there were already several ambulances ready. It turned out that the Yasashi family had a speed dial on 911. Karma also told them about the truth, and about Mayu.

The old hag was convinced with Karma's information and he called the other part of his family immediately to settle things right.

Finally, now we all know that Yurei can rest in peace.

Moments later, (Y/n)'s classmates showed up slowly one by one. Some appearing in groups. They were worried sick (again) for the lightning-fast crazy girl. But they were sure that she'll be alright, since she always seemed to survive.

Well she is one of the protago-

Krow searched for Karma since he wasn't there, which is unusual and very peculiar. Since Karma would always be sticking around when he knew that (Y/n) was still being recovered. So the Karma-wannabe searched for the original one. He found him easily, though. Since he figured that the rooftop was always the right place where you want to ponder on your thoughts and problems. Karma sat on one of the bench, gazing at the starry night sky filled with glittering stars accompanied by the shiny slivery moon. Marvelous it was, Karma had a look of dread on his face.

As Krow neared him, he chuckled. Karma noticed him and rose a brow, "What's so funny?"

"The look on your face" Krow replied in all honesty, sitting beside him. "It's a rare piece of art that only (Y/n) can paint when she's in bad shape"

Karma sighed. Normally, he would roll his eyes. "I think I've caused too much...." He muttered, now looking down at the dull ground.

"Caused too much what?"

"Pain.... And suffering" Karma responded, "You were mistaken with what you labeled me before"

Krow's smile faded and his expression turned blunt, "You saved her, didn't you?"

Karasuma's Daughter (Karma Akabane x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now