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Disclaimer: I do not own Supernatural, the characters affiliated with Supernatural, or plotlines associated with the show. I do own the original plotlines of this story, the characters of Ash and Wyatt, and the language and phrasing used to communicate their journey. Please don't use them.

Also, if you enjoy this little prologue and are interested in reading more, leave a comment/vote, so I know continuing writing this is a good idea! Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy :)



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Ash found the air inside the abandoned hotel was too dusty and damp to be comfortable. Despite the chills that occasionally ran down her spine and the lack of a sufficient light source, the young woman laid on a bed that had been designated as hers.

The moldy, ancient sheets that had dressed the bed had been peeled off the mattress the previous night. Now, a single white sheet separated Ash's lean body from the feathery mattress underneath. She closed her eyes in the dark, hearing low voices from behind the closed door that separated her from the others inhabiting the decaying hotel.

Short blond hair spilled across the pillow as Ash turned on her side. Goosebumps were raised on her arms, and as she rubbed her hands across her forearms in an attempt to instigate heat, she felt the grooves of many scars under her palms.

It was during times like this, times of isolation, quiet, and stillness, that Ash begin to think of her old life- her life before she knew what wandered in the shadows at night. The constant running, always surrounded by danger and the cold was enough to make her wonder what her life would have been like if she would have stayed in the foster care facility, instead of running away with her only friend at the time, Wyatt. That had been six years ago, right before her eighteenth birthday.

Even though she felt the dull ache of longing for her old life, Ash was confident in her decision to runaway with Wyatt. After all, he had saved her life, all those years ago, when they were stuck in the same orphanage. He was her best friend and he was the only person she had ever loved. She had no family, no clue who her parents were, no siblings. All she had of her mother was a pearl necklace, that never left her neck. But a necklace was a poor excuse for a connection with her mother. Wyatt was all she had. The strength of their bond in such a neglectful world was enough to convince Ash to spend long, dark nights in freezing abandoned buildings if it meant Wyatt was with her...Even if things were different now.

Ash fingered the pearl necklace resting right against her neck. It was just a simple white pearl, knotted in a length of braided tan material. She had the necklace around her neck for as long as she could remember. When asking the people at the foster care place where it had come from, they told her her mother must have given it to her. That was all.

In spite of the chills and the occasional tickle of her nose from the dust, Ash drifted into a restless sleep. She slept for only a short hour before a large commotion woke her with a jolt.

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