Part 7: This is Just the Beginning

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A/N: This chapter is going to be in the form of a flashback and it's what Ash explains to Sam and Dean! The gif is Wyatt!!


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Ash was just seventeen, sprinting down the streets of the city, her short hair flying out behind her. Once she was a good ten blocks away from the orphanage, she felt safe enough to stop running.

Her fingers prodded her bottom lip carefully, and pulled away quickly with a jolt of pain.

"Bitch..." Ash muttered to herself, hugging her green army jacket tighter around her body. She was of course thinking of that damned girl that had been giving her shit at the orphanage since they were old enough to talk, Amanda.

Ash had walked into the room she shared with Amanda to find her wearing the green army jacket Ash loved so much. Wyatt had bought it for her when they both had been twelve.

Ash had demanded Amanda take it off. When Amanda refused and pushed Ash to the ground for good measure, Ash lost it. She tackled Amanda to the ground, wrestling the jacket off her much curvier frame. Amanda had managed to sneak in a heavy punch to Ash's mouth before Ash managed to get away.

Ash looked around, realizing she was unsure of where she was.

It was closing in on eight at night and it was cold. Ash had impulsively fled from the orphanage, unable to fight the need to just get away. Everyone there was awful. They either hated her or didn't care if she lived or died. With the exception of Wyatt. He was the only reason Ash was able to keep her sanity.

The street was deserted, she noticed, as she looked around. Glancing over her shoulder, Ash began walking. She wished she had that old switchblade Wyatt always carried around with him.

She walked a block or so, the night darkening around her. She flicked her hood up over her head as a light drizzle began.

A young man stepped into her path, startling her. One instant she was alone on the sidewalk, the next there was a stranger standing in her walkway.

"Oh-excuse me." She said quietly, sidestepping around the dark figure. She cast her eyes down, avoiding looking into the man's face.

She walked another block before looking behind her. The man was gone.

I'm an idiot. Ash thought to herself. I shouldn't have come out here alone. But she had been so angry at Amanda, angry enough to forget her common sense.

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