My Family

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        We were a great family. Me, Mom and Dad. Nothing could tear us apart. The family on our block were jealous of us. Of how well we got along. Since a young age I knew nothing could break us apart, we will be together forever, at least that's what I thought. I was a kid so I didn't really understand. Everything I believed came from the tv or a fairytale book. My parents never tried to limit my imagination, it just wasn't healthy for kids brain. They went along anything I said. I wasn't disciplined much as a kid but as I grew up it was like I got punished all the time. I think they did that to pay for all the things I did as a child. But even after all the disagreements we were still a great family. Me, Mom and Dad. Nothing could tear us apart. That's why everyone was jealous of us. Only until we had something they could be jealous about. If my Dad died from some incurable sickness then maybe we still might have that fame that helped us rule the block. Maybe if he died from some accident, like a car crash or died while doing something Noble, like save someone's life. We might just have that fame left. I'm not trying to be selfish. To make a look like all I. Are about is fame but I do like the attention. If my Dad was no longer with us for those reason then everyone still will be jealous because of how well me and mom hold ourselves up. They will help us to try to get the fame. They Crumble at how good of a family we are.  Me and Mom and D----. Dad tore apart our family and not in the ways that I wanted. He left us. Just picked up and left. For awhile he wouldn't come home and my mom had to make stories up to the neighbors because she did I t know why he was gone. He would be back and forth. When he was here he never said where he went. Just came back and continued our great family life until he disappeared again. I didn't know what it was then but my mom found a lot of drugs in one of his briefcases that he couldn't explain why they were there. But she still didn't kick him out. Even after what , Dad was doing, my mom still loved him. She loved him with all her heart. That's why she could never yell at him, say no to him, question him or even kick him out. I was glad none of that stuff happened because I loved my father too and going from two different parents would be hard. It would break the image we tried so hard to perfect. Our image was there since elementary school, middle school the kids would run to be my friend. I was never alone. Somewhere around my freshman year my dad left. Just up and left. No note. Everything that was his was gone. No traces of where he went. Any jewelry he gave my mom were gone. Anything he bought for the house were gone. Any toys he got me as a kid were gone. Almost all my school supplies were gone too since he bought them. I mean everything he bought or helped to buy was gone. The house was practically empty. It looked like someone broke in and took anything that had meaning. The only thing he didn't take was this jewelry set he bought me around the time he first disappeared. I had lost it but with almost everything gone and much more space I was able to find it. It had a pair of earrings, a bracelet, ankle bracelet and a necklace. I always wear them ever since that day. Dad was the one who broke our image. Everyone in our block or who even knew us acted sincere but they weren't at all. I could see them laughing when my back was turn. I lost my the people who would follow me anywhere. I wasn't the popular girl at school anymore. I did have some friends left, the true ones but because if dad life wasn't the same anymore. We lost our image that day and we will never get it back, at least I think so

I hope you guys like the first chapter. It was quick to make. The words literally came out so fast that I'm really proud. I'm not wasting anytime, I'm gonna start on the next chapter. Let me know in the comment section what you thought. Was this chapter good or bad? I'll be happy to see what you guys have to say

Much love and enjoy



Started: Sunday July 9th 2017
Finished: Sunday July 9th 2017
Revised: Monday July 10th 2017
Published: July 18th

823 words

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