Part 23: California

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I want to thank everyone who is reading this story and who read the original. I'm also thankful that your reading both. It really does make my day when I see that someone has voted on my story, commented, add this book to a reading list and even a new follower. It really does make me happy. Thank you


Much love and enjoy



" Your being ignorant" Luke had followed me out of the room and was determined to call me out

" I'm being responsible. You're being immature" I stated to him pointing my finger

" Grow up Bri. We live in a world where crazy stuff happen all the time. Siblings getting married isn't abnormal"

" If you couldn't tell, it is for me"

" We aren't blooded siblings" he exclaimed

" That isn't the point it's the same thing. If we get married what will we tell our parents. 'By the way we're getting married to each other mom and dad. Not get weirded out'. They will disgrace us for life and I can't have my mom hate me" I said back to him

" So your worried about your reputation. Your appearance. You gotta protect mommy's little girl image. You just don't care about love. I'll get married then if you want. Just poke my buttons again and I'll make your life a living hell"

He's really mad and threats are his strength. He just didn't understanding. Read between the fucking lines you idiot. If you really loved me then you would have noticed already

So much time has passes after that incident. Luke moved out of his house to California. He added another company there and made it headquarters. I never saw him again. I never spoke to him either. I believed that he started a family. Our parents had visited him a lot but I never went along. I knew that he didn't want to see me anymore. The visitation period to Luke from my parents suddenly stopped. About a year ago both our parents got into a car crash. Everyone knew except Luke. Mom and Dad told me not to tell him. They were in the hospital for about two days before they passed. Anyways, he wasn't home, he didn't deserve to know. At least that's what I thought. It has been three years since Luke left. I'm on my way to California for the last few days of my job. Since I was gonna be in Cali for a few days I thought I might tell him everything. After that though I will stay separate from him. He has a family to take care of anyways


I left the airport and went over to my new house. I really don't know how long I'll be in Cali, just until the new boss gets here to take over. I don't really mind since the company is paying for my house even when I leave the job. I got to my house in 35 minutes. It was much bigger then the house I grew up in back home and smaller then Luke's house too. All my stuff was shipped to the house much earlier so they were already here. I toke a shower then got into my black car that the company paid for. I drove to Luke's address
Just like his old house it was far away from other houses. It wasn't a surprise. I parked my car out by the sidewalk and walked up to his front door. I rang the bell into I finally heard some shuffling coming from behind it.

" Who is it?" said a deep voice and I knew it was Luke. I haven't heard his voice in so long, it definitely deeper. I was so focused on my own thoughts that I didn't realize Luke opened the door

Beware: The boy dressed in all black ( My Stepbrother )Where stories live. Discover now