Part 24:

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" Can't you hear me. We can do what we want" he said

" For the longest I have been telling myself that your my brother. Now your just giving me a ticket to free sex with you" I replied

" Bridget we can finally do what we want without worrying about the consequences" he said which made me laugh.

" Don't act like this is for the both of us. You can finally use me without having to worry" I said

" No, I can finally have you, that's all I ever wanted. We can finally be together"

" How long did you know you weren't his son?" I asked trying to switch the topic a bit

" A little before I left to come here" he confessed

" If you wanted to be with me then why didn't you tell me" I asked

" You didn't want to marry me. That information would have been nothing to you"

" Of course it would have been something. I would have did something If I knew" his face began to glow

" I was mad, I needed to clear my head. That's why I left. I knew about it even before the day I proposed to you. I wanted to see if you'd marry me even if we were sibling. Then I would have told you. You said no and I couldn't hold my emotions anymore"

" At first I thought that I couldn't marry you since you never treated me right but then I realized I didn't care about that. I just didn't want you to ruin your life if we married. Your job, everything" I said

" Give me a chance please. I know that every time I look at you, I want to fuck you. I can barely control myself now. I want to be the guy you want though so give me a chance" he asked. This was crazy but of course I said yes to him that made him so happy.

" First I want to relax so direct me to your bathroom. I need a hot bath" I said to him. He gave me a towel then pointed to me the door

Waiting for the water to rise I added in some bubbles and played some relaxing tunes. After setting everything up I got into the tub. I know I that I showered already but I have the urge to just relax right now. A few minutes passed of relaxing

" Luke I can hear you" I said

" I wasn't sneaky enough"

" Do some sneaking next time" I said closing my eyes again

" The view is just amazing" Luke said

" Look away" I said trying to cover myself. The bubbles were basically gone and my body through the water is all you see

" No reason to hide. I've seen your body before but it's like your ass and boobs got much bigger. Your really not a little kid no more" he added. There wasn't a reason for me to stay so I got up and wrapped myself with a towel. I used a spare toothbrush and brushed my teeth. I soon left the bathroom afterwards with Luke trailing behind me and entered his room

" Anything for me to wear?" I asked. Luke tossed me a shirt and I put it on

" Anything else for me? This doesn't seem to fit" I asked trying to stretch the fabrics more

" Wear that or go naked" he said with a gruff

" I'm somewhat naked either way. I'm not wearing a bra or panties" I exclaimed

" That's the whole point" he said. I turned away from him and laid down on the bed. Before I could do anything Luke did the same but got on top of me instead

" May I?" He asked before he traced down the shirt " How about you fully get naked" he said

" So why give me a shirt?" I asked. He didn't answered. He just took the shirt

Beware: The boy dressed in all black ( My Stepbrother )Where stories live. Discover now