Part 21: Will you marry me?

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" Ok how do you greet a female?" I asked

" I wouldn't really. I'll just give them money and they do whatever I want" Luke said roughly. I have been asking him the same question five times now and he basically is responding the same way

Using his dominant approach

" No that's wrong" I say shaking my head. He was giving me a headache

" Then how should I do it?"

" If you see someone you may like, you greet them properly. With respect. Say hi or something along that line." I say using facial expressions

" That won't get a girl in my bed" he added a gruff at the end of his stupid comment

" It's proper. It will show you that your a gentlemen" He just rolled his eyes at me

" We can't fix you if your aren't willing to do the work. I can leave you like this"

" Alright please continue" he said clearly annoyed. I rolled my eyes this time and continued on

" Pretend I'm a random person. You think I'm cute but you gotta resist the urge to jump or your gonna miss your chance. Ok greet me" I say then get off his bed pretending to walk by him. I can see Luke take a deep breath

" God your so fucking hot Bridget" he blurted out

" You have a salty mouth" I said with cross arms facing him before starting over

" Ok. I'm Luke, I couldn't help but see you standing over here an just had to talk to you. I will like to get to know you better"

" That's a good start. Now let's go out. Maybe the real thing will boost your confident" I say dragging him out of bed

" Let's go to the bar. It's swarming with girls" I added before Luke pulled me down with him

" I think that would be hard since a beautiful girl is already standing in front of me"

We had got to the bar quite a while ago. I have been pointing women out to Luke but he just ignores me. After a while he finally listened to me when his gorgeous brunette walked by.

" She's alright" he said. I can tell he was upset but I couldn't figure out why. This was his chance and I didn't want him to mess it up. He kept fiddling with something in his pocket

" Ok I'll be here drinking my wine. Go get her" I said and he left on his way. It looked like they hit it off really well since I could hear laughing from them. Once and hour went by I realized that my work here was done. There wasn't a reason to stay anymore

I'll just take a walk around and be back soon, I thought to myself as I finished the glass I had been drinking for an hour

It was pretty dark outside but still light enough. The summer air felt really nice

I didn't get far once I heard someone call after me  "You were just gonna leave like that?"  I turned around to see Luke behind me

" What are you doing here? It looked like everything was going as plan. I was gonna come back soon, I just didn't feel like waiting. I hope you got her number. She's so your type " I lastly said

" Whats my type?" He asked walking more closely to me

" For starter, someone close to your age. Tall and pretty"

" How about you?" He asked

" Not me"

" Your my type"

" Your wrong. Your type is a white girl who can look good with you. Not a black girl" I said. I was strictly determine to get him to listen to what I was saying


" How can you like a black girl?" I asked

" Your skin type doesn't matter to me. You have the qualities and I want to have a relationship with you" he said grabbing my hand

" We can't, we're siblings" I said trying to get out of his grip but he held on tight

" Step siblings" he corrected. He then got on one knee

" What are you doing? Someone might see" I said trying to get him up. He reached in his pocket and took out a box that he now held in his hand

" From the moment I first saw you I knew I wanted you. I was playing dirty so the first impression of me wasn't good. I'm sorry for that. Being dirty to women is what I do best. It's all I know. The more I want them, the more extreme my behavior becomes. Bridget you are the only women ever that I ever wanted to this level"

" So all the times you forced me into doing something was because you wanted me more"

" I thought ladies liked it when men acted like that to them" he said rubbing the back of his neck before looking at me again

" Are you kidding me, maybe for someone else. If you opened your eye then you have noticed how I didn't like it. It was cruel not loving"

" You could have said something"

" You never made it easy"

" I want to make this right" For some reason I began to laugh

" This isn't funny. I am being brave on my knees saying something important to you and you laugh. What's your problem?" He asked

" My problem is you. I can't believe you think that by doing this I'll forgive you"

" Don't forgive me. Just be mine"

" How can I be yours if I don't forgive you"

" Why are you making this difficult?"

" I'm not....." Luke got up from his knees and kissed me. It was long but genuine

" Can you please just marry me? Just forget that we are siblings for this moment"

" Luke I'm sorry. I can't marry you. My answer is no"

" Your making a mistake" he said as his face started to turn red

" I'm making the right choice. Go cool off. I'll be waiting by the car" I said then walked around him towards the bar parking lot. I probably waited for about 20 minutes before Luke appeared. He opened the driver side of the car and drive off. I waited but he never came back. He was really mad at me. I didn't have any money with me so I had to walk back, by foot. Hitch hiking was definitely not an option
The evening turned into the night by the time I got back to Luke's house. Once I got inside I soaked my feet in some hot water. I was gonna kill Luke for doing this. After relaxing I was in the living room watching some tv

I soon heard the front door unlock and I bolted from the couch

" Luke you asshole I can't believe you left me like that...." I stopped when I noticed a girl next to Luke. The brunette form the bar

" I'm kinda busy Bridget" he said pushing me out of the way before going upstairs. The girl following right behind him

I sat on the couch with two pillows over my ears

This is so hard. I can't stand it no more. Please let me find a way to let it all go at once

Let me know what you think

Should Bridget have said yes?

I also hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving

Much love and enjoyed


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