Part 8:

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" I'm serious, I am " Luke said still holding me by the waist

" Why? " I asked pulling away from him and crossing my arms

" What. I can't pick up my baby sister " he asked smiling

" Oh you finally see me as that " I asked

" Don't get ahead of yourself. That's what everyone else will think but your really my     girl. I'll make your knees weak and make you scream my name in bed " he said bitting his bottom lips

" Only in your dreams. If your gonna give me a ride home then great. Can we please go? " I said fidgeting. I wanted to leave quick before-----

" Oh Bridget, who's your friend " Ann said.

And, the mean girls come into the scene right in cue. Great

" Ann, Claire and others, I didn't see you   there " I said rubbing my arm

" That's quite alright pumpkin. Who's this fine young gentlemen " she added strutting next to Luke

" He's my bro----" I tried to say

" I'm the boyfriend " Luke rushed in and said instead

" Bridget, I didn't know we kept secrets from each other. You have this hunk as your boyfriend. Why didn't you tell us " Ann said throw her clenched teeth. I wouldn't play along with this but I liked seeing Ann hold in her rage because she can't do anything. She might secretly torture me but she had an image to uphold

" I'm so sorry Ann. It was personal. We just became official not to long ago and I didn't want to tell everyone. I wanted him to know that I loved him without spreading the news out there. Only a few people know and that isn't you. Isn't that sad? " I said with a smirk

" Oh that is totally ok. I understand what you mean. Luke if you ever want to hang out I'm sure Bridget wouldn't mind " Ann said standing really close to Luke. She pushed her boobs in to his arm. She then turned to me with an evil glare in her eyes and I knew that she was gonna make me pay hell for this

" Would you Bridget? " she asked in a sharp tone. She leaned into Luke's chest

" No of course not. I'll go to the car, Luke. You can finish up here yourself " I said. I then looked at Ann wrapping her arms around Luke. Claire and the rest of the pups glaring at me. While looking at them I noticed where Luke's car was. I walked around them to his car

After what felt like forever Luke came back inside the car.

" So did you get her number " I asked with a sharp tongue

" Never mind I don't care. Just drive me    home " I add. He then reached his hand to the seat that is behind his chair and waved it in my face

" Wait a minute. Is that my dress? " I asked trying to grab it from his hand

" Yeah. I took it from your place today. Your mom gave me a key to the house and I was in your room. I saw it on the desk chair and I just had to take it. This was on your body. On your tight curvy body, you don't know how good you looked in this dress. Your lucky that no guy followed you to the bathroom that night " Luke said smelling the dress

" Oh no a guy did follow me. It was you. Honestly I would have rather had them then you and why do you have a key to my house " I asked

" Because I'm your babysitter. Your mom and my dad are on another one of there long dates and I'm here to watch you " he said

" How many times do I have to say that I don't need a sitter. I'm almost 18 " I said

" I'm not complaining " he said

" Yeah because this is joy for you. I would rather have Calvin watch me " I said chuckling

" That prick. You gotta be joking " Luke said

" Well I bet that you would rather want to watch Ann, her sister or one of their friends. Fuck them all night if you have to. Just drive already. I want to go home " I said
" Are you seriously still mad at me " Luke asked. Bridget walked into the house and Luke soon followed after

" You didn't help me at all " I said

" You basically allowed her to stay with me while you ran " Luke said

" Ok then. Don't fucking say that you want us to be more when you can't even do a temporary job. Pretend to be my boyfriend. You had your tongue stuck out of your mouth the whole   time " I said clearly pissed off

"  No matter how they look your the only girl for me and you know that's true. I promise I won't give out the wrong message again " Luke said pulling me into his chest

" Fine whatever " I said and pulled away from him. We then went upstairs to my room. I was unpacking my bag while Luke was on my bed. I was taking out my homework

" The first thing you do when your home is homework? " Luke asked

" No I'll take these clothes off, shower, then my homework and eat. What I do after that depends on my mood " I said

" Then why won't you take your clothes off. I won't be in your way. How about I help you take your shower " he said 

" Do you really think I'll let any of that happen. Your funny " I said sitting down getting started on my homework

I had already eaten and now I just finished my shower. I brought my clothes to the bathroom and changed into them. After I finished I grabbed my towel and walked back to my room. I was about to go inside when I hear Luke moaning.

" What the hell is that guy doing in my room? I wasn't gone for that long. Don't tell me he has a girl in there " I said. I slowly open the door a little and see what was going on.

Luke was on my bed, his clothes on the floor jacking himself. Calling my name out loud. Yelling about how close he was. Then he came all over my pillow.

Did I really just watch that? How come I didn't barge in there and stop him?

" Like what you see " Luke said standing in front of me. I was lost in thought that I didn't hear him come my way. He opened the door even wider

" I can always show it to you again " Luke said holding his dick. He was huge, I mean he was big. No way that could actually fit inside someone. He would break them apart

" If you want to touch it you can. You can make me feel really good " Luke said. I quickly got out of my thoughts

" Go put on some clothes " I said pushing my way into the room

" I'm changing these sheets " I said.

" No don't. Leave it there " Luke said. That's when I noticed empty bottles next to my lamp on the nightstand

" Your drunk. My mom doesn't have these here, this isn't mine. Where did you get these? Don't bring stuff like this in my house " I said angrily

" I want the whore that you are to sleep with my cum on your pillow " Luke said laughing while standing next to me. I froze.

" What did you just say? " I asked

" I said I want you to sleep with my cum on your pillow " Luke said laughing

" You called me a whore " I said through my clenched teeth

" So? I bet you were actually fucking that Calvin guy. A virgin my ass. So how long did you guys go for. I can't believe that he was submissive to you. I have you wet everyday for me " Luke said. I slapped him

" What the fuck Bri. Why did you hit me? You butch " Luke said. I went over to my closet. I grabbed a pillow and blanket then walked to the door

" I'm gonna sleep in the living room. You don't have the right to call me a whore or a bitch. Get yourself together. I fucking hate you " I said then slammed the door

Beware: The boy dressed in all black ( My Stepbrother )Where stories live. Discover now