Part 18: Wine

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Why did I say that? Go chock on your meds. I wanted to apologize but I couldn't bring myself to do it. I said something serious that didn't deserve an apology.

I started off by making breakfast in bed for him. I made it to the bed without him waking up. I set the tray on the counter near the bed. I quickly got inside the cover too and rested on his abs. His breathing just right for me to fall asleep on him

I slightly opened my eye just enough for me to remember where I was. I can feel a big hand pass through my hair as the tv was on

Luke said " You finally awake?"

" Sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep. It's was the spur of the moment. I made breakfast or you—that you ate already" I said as I sat up

" I know I could tell. It was really good" Luke said as he pulled me back down

He began to kiss down my neck. The tingle in my stomach began to start after he squeezed my ass.

" Luke please. I came here to apologize to you" but he didn't quit

" This is can be your apology. Just let me feel you up skittle bit—ok" I couldn't think straight. He was a master with his hand. Luckily before any further movements Luke's phone rang

He had to go to work for an emergency.

" God no matter how much I want to finish you I gotta go. I'll see you later" he said as he ran into the bathroom

With Luke gone there wasn't anything to do so I decided to go shopping. Until breakfast I didn't really realize that there was barely anything to eat.

" Look who's here. I thought you were gonna hide in the mountains all summer"

" Well I didn't think you were gonna follow me around" I said back at the comment

" Is that why you rarely come out and if you do someone's always with you" he said laughing

" I guess your right. Haven't seen you around since you got back, Calvin" I said

" Same to you. You didn't answer my texts when you were in the hospital" he said

" Luke told me not to"

" Oh the famous brother boyfriend. How is he?" Calvin asked

I answered back " Good"

" Now I'm not sure as to why you made me act like I was some type of freak as my first meeting with him. Act like your obsessed with me you said" The he began to laugh to himself

" I don't know what your doing but I at least hope you know what your doing" he added before he left the store.

With that I began to continue shopping
Where was that coming from? There has been a cellphone ringing for the past 5 minutes in Luke's room.

Ever since I got back from the store and made myself comfortable on his bed did that ringing started

" Gotta ya" I shouted happily as I picked the phone up and the call ended. It was in his walk in closet. He was rushing so he must have forgotten it. I got nothing else to do I'll take it to him
" Name"

" Bridget Logan" I said

" I'm sorry I don't see your name on the appointment sheet" the man said

" I know that. This wasn't a plan visit. I just have to give Mr. Logan something

" Look if your a bitch looking for some extra cash let———"

" I'm his step sister"

" Oh excuse me for my rudeness. You must have been the sub we had recently. You can find Mr. Logan in his office. I'm sure you remember how to get there" he asked

Beware: The boy dressed in all black ( My Stepbrother )Where stories live. Discover now