Part 9: The amusemnet park

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Me and Luke haven't really talk-talk after that whole situation last time. I mean he isn't around to make his snarky comments. I should be glad but for some reason I'm not. I was in the beginning but not lately l. I hope that this was just because of guilt and not that I have any feelings for him. We talked when we have dinner with our parents. He talks to me like the day never happened. Afterwards he avoids me like some disease. Him and Brent started hanging out recently. So when we do a group hang out he doesn't talk to me either. Just in front of our parents. It's good to have Luke around so we can go watch those rated r movies but when we are casually just hanging out it gets awkward and I know that my friends have noticed

" Earth to Bridget. Are you still with us? " Ashley said waving her hand over my face

" Yeah I'm here " I said with a smile

" You talking in your head again " Brent said

" Naw it's all good. It's almost closing time. What are we doing now? " I said while we threw our trash away.

" Me and Brent are gonna ride the love ride " Ashley said

" How about you and Luke go on the ride too " Brent said

" We aren't dating. We're gonna be siblings soon " Luke said in a gruff

" It's alright will find something else. I'll probably wait at the entrance for you guys " I said

" Come on don't be like that Bridget " Brent said

" I'm totally fine. I'll go to the arcade place or something and win myself a prize. I have a lot but I can always get more. Go have fun will meet back at the entrance " I said. Then those two ran off in the love ride direction.

" What final ride are you gonna go on " I asked Luke. He didn't respond just kept quiet.

" Ok, I'll see you later " I said. After walking around a bit I decided to go on the ferries wheel. The line wasn't to long but I still had to wait a bit before going on

" Hey sexy. You want to come home with me tonight " a guy behind me had said. I turned around and faced the man with the voice

" No thank you " I said then turned back around moving up

" Come one. We can have fun all night " he said

" Is this your thing. Go to amusement parks to hit on girls. To let you know not every lady here is over 18 " I said giving him a glare

" I won't tell if you don't " he said air humping me from behind. I pushed him away from me and he tumble over a bit then came right back to me.

" If you want to be rough let's save that for the bed honey " he said laughing

" I will never get in bed with a drunk man " I said turning around again. Suddenly his hand was on my ass. He was squeezing it way to hard. When I was trying to pull away from him he hit me with his hand. The multiple rings on his hand didn't help the pain. I was soon screaming for this guy to get off me. Multiple people were coming over to help. Then someone's fist connected with the drunken mans face. He fell to the ground and brought me down with him. His whole body weight was crushing me. His body was removed from me, tossed to the side and I was helped up

" Luke?" I said

" Touch her again and I swear a punch isn't all your getting " Luke said. The man started shaking then got up and ran off. I told those people that were coming over to help me that I was ok and they went back to doing whatever that were doing before

" I swear Bri that could have been more worse. They guy was drunk, you don't know what he would have done " Luke said holding on to me

" Thanks for the lecture that I didn't need. I was capable of handling the situation myself " I said

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