Part 14: Wedding

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It was finally the big day my moms wedding. Second one in fact but still a very good magical night. They were having it at the Logan's beach house. I want to dance all night and have fun forever. But that's not what happened
I hit stop on my phone and tried to roll myself out of bed. I slugged my self and opened the door when I almost got hit by a man pushing a cart. Just looking around I noticed many people running around the place. I quickly head downstairs in the kitchen where Luke and Dave were.

I sat on the island " Hey" At least here it wasn't busy.

" Good morning baby girl. Are you ready for the wedding today?" Dave had said

" Yeah I am. Shouldn't you be getting ready"

" Yes I just wanted to make breakfast for you and Luke. I'll see you later" Dave said as he went out of the kitchen

" You sleep well" Luke asked

" Not really"

" You excited for today" I asked him

" Yes and no. I'm glad our parents found what they need and are getting married but now it will be difficult for us" he whispered that in my ear while holding my hand. He softly kissed each knuckle
When I got upstairs I fell right back asleep. I was so tired I could barely move. This was the worse day to be sick. My moms getting married and I'm not getting ready. I would have slept longer if only I didn't here knocking on my door

" Bri how long do you need to put a dress on. Hurry up" Luke said continuing knocking on my door

" Almost done" I said getting of the bed. Running to the bathroom inside my room. I turned on the water while It ran I set my dress out. With my shoes and accessories.

" Almost done huh. I knew you fell asleep" Luke said leaning on the back of the door

" What are you doing in my room" I looked in my drawer for a towel to use

" The door was open. If our gonna fall back asleep then lock your door. Dave could've walked in or anyone else" Luke said sitting on my bed

" Right I'm suppose to be lucky that it was you that found this out" I said

" Exactly. Now you better hurry" With that I ran back to the bathroom and took a shower and washed my hair

When I was done Luke was still on my bed on his phone. When he noticed me he quickly turned off his phone and shoved it back in his pocket so I wouldn't see what he was doing

" What the hell is this?" I said picking some lacy clothes that he had next to my dress

" Your panties and bras are cute but these are sexy" I didn't have time to argue with him. I was suppose to be downstairs already. So I put it on. I didn't like the bra since there was a hole where some part of my boob and nipple shows. I changed in the bathroom to not give Luke a show. I left the barhroom

" You look great"

" So will everyone else. The braid maids are wearing the same just as me" I exclaimed

" I know but you will be the only one that I see" That's such a fucking joke line.

I did my hair, makeup then put on my shoes. I quickly went downstairs where everyone else were and stood at my position

Not to long after my mom came down the aisle. Her hair flattened out and a new fresh wedding gown. Dave was on stage trying real hard not cry before anything actually started. I stood in the back since I was trying real hard not to mess anything up. I really wanted to sneeze but that would be so rude. My body wasn't having it. I was mentally sorry but I wanted the wedding to go by quick, I needed to go to my room. I was gonna faint.

Mom and Dave, my new dad, took a big long kiss. Everyone cheered and the party began. No matter how bad I wanted to I could just leave yet. I had to stay and eat. The food was absolutely amazing and the cake too. In the end I didn't get to leave at all. I had to dance with a few people but fate r that was done I still couldn't leave. I didn't muster the courage. It was my moms big day I didn't want to leave and sleep on her wedding day.

" Hope you had a good day. Take this complementary bag as our gift to you" I said to the last person. By now all the guest left and a major clean up had happened. Mom and Dave went upstairs to their room for some post wedding fun. The crew here were starting to leave as well taking their pay t the door by me.

I'm exhausted. Now I can relax and sleep this headache away

" Hey babe" Luke said coming behind me hugging my waist before quickly removing himself off

" Your so hot"

" Luke please not this minute. I just want to—"

" No I mean literally. Your body's burning up"

" Really? I didn't think it's that serious" I said

" Not serious. Your making it worse every minute you stand here and not treating it. Do you know that, no you don't. You don't know anything. How could you be that stupid. If you weren't up to being here today then don't bother" Luke said yelling at me at the top of his lung. He was lucky mom and dad were upstairs and that this place is well hidden so no neighbors for a long way in both direction.

" Why are you screaming at me. This was a big day for our parents I wasn't gonna miss our ok that. It wasn't my attention to stay that long it just happened. Now if you excuse me" I said pushing last him into the house

" You are so lucky that I'm not in the mood to be mad right now or I would have given you the silent treatment" I said as Luke tucked me in.

" I'm sorry I just got mad when I thought what would have happened to you if you were worst. Your temperature was high the fact that you went that long amazes me"

" You can stay. If you want" I said when Luke was walking to the door

" Your sick"

" Oh right you don't have to. Don't listen to me"

" But if you really want me then I can stay" I silently nodded at him. He then got in with me and snuggled up. With me on his chest. Shortly I fell sleep too

It's been so long since I last posted. 1 month and 6 days I believe. I have the chapters written and reading to be published it's just my schedule and I don't have time to post them. But now that I got a good amount of chapters done I'm trying to stay with a streak of posting regularly. Since I have been gone for that long I will post two chapters today. The second will be posted an hour or more later but before 12:00 am.

This chapter was done by: Oct 6 5:56 am
Edited: Oct 7 6:06pm and Today also at 6:28/6:33

I'm sorry for the wait and I hope you enjoy the next couple of chapters

Much love and enjoy



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