Part 2: Meeting Luke

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Once we got to my house after shopping we were gonna decorate the living room about to congratulate my mom for finally going back to the dating scene. When we got to my house she's was already there.

" Mom your back early " I said entering the kitchen

" You finish work at 6:00 pm before you get ready for your second job " I added putting the bags on the floor

" What's all this " my mom asked at the stove cooking

" To congratulate you on going back to the scene " Ashley said

" What you guys did all this. For me. I'm blessed. Thank you " my mom said

" Your like me and Ashley's second mom. We will doing anything for you Mary " Brent said

" You guys group hug " my mom said and that's exactly what we did. We still ended up decorating the living room. My mom was cooking, so we ate her food plus the cake we bought. 

" Mom I checked your profile and you already got 11 request " I told her while we were eating

" Yeah I know I checked too " she said

" And you didn't text me " I said fake feeling hurt

" So who's gonna be the lucking guy " Brent asked

" Profile number 8. He's handsome " my mom said

" Yes I knew it. I liked that one too. Great it's a good time to tell you that I already messaged him back and set up a date on Saturday and Sunday. He's gonna pick you up Friday to take you somewhere for the weekend for your date " I said feeling proud

" Bridget I'm not ready. It's to soon " my mom said

" Your absolutely ready " I added. She nodded in agreement

In 30 minutes my mom left for her second job and. Brent and Ashley left as well for some alone time at his house. I really won't be surprised if she gets pregnant before school ends since they are always having sex. School ends in three months but they obviously can't wait. I envy them. I know I said a boyfriend gotta wait it just that Brent is the only boy that talks to me. No other boy in this town does, so it's hard to meet a boy that is willing to go against that and talk to me. I do really want to find love and I do hope it happens fast

I clean the mess we made then head for my room. I take a bath to take all the pain and stress from my body. Once I finished I then got ready for bed and fell asleep rather quickly

It's Friday night and my mom is making sure she has everything for her weekend date. She hasn't been panicking and instead has been running around the house happy. She's been really excited and I'm glad

" How do I look? " my mom asked for the 55th time

" You look fine " I said from the living room couch. I stopped actually looking at her since she's been asking the same question. I had my own attention on my phone texting Ashley. Soon a knock at the door is heard

" He's here " my mom said calmly. For some reason I started to panic

" Mom do you have everything? Are you stratified with your outfit? Maybe you should change, no there's no time. You gotta go with that outfit. Wait I'll stall him and no, no, you just gotta go. Stop feeling panic I'm not panicking you'll be fine. Have fun but not too much since I'm not there. Don't forget to bring me a present and Brent and Ashley want something too " I said finally. My mom was in the kitchen ignoring my rant. She was leaving some money for me on the counter. She grabbed her stuff from the living and opened the door. I was standing behind her. Dave was a tall white man. He had nice slicked back hair and a nice suit on

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