New School

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Cray shot up in bed, sweat rolling down his face. He wiped it off and breathed a sigh of relief, realizing it was only a nightmare. He looked at his alarm, the time only reading 3:02 a.m.

"Hm, might as well get ready." Cray yawned, getting dressed before slowly going down the stairs, careful not to wake up his family. He packed his things, placing his hat sideways on his head before making breakfast and humming along to a ninety tune.

"Up before me, are we?" Fresh asked, trudging down the stairs in faded back jeans with green at the top and a jacket of multi color with the word 'YOLO' plastered on it. Cray chuckled as Fresh sniffed the air, drool forming at the brim of his mouth.

"Ready for a new school, boys?" Their mom asked, sliding the plates into the table. Cray slipped two pancakes into each one. They dug in. By the time they were done, Cray and Fresh were racing out the door, desperately trying to get to the bus-stop before the bus. They got there all right, tripping and falling.

When they finally balanced themselves, they laughed at their stupidity. They could have just asked their mom for a ride, since she worked there with Miss. Muffet as one of the counselors. Cray wiped his eyes, as tears had formed in them from laughing so hard. Soon, the bus pulled up and they filed on, Fresh and Cray sitting in the very back seat to avoid anyone else.

"Fresh, what's your schedule?" Cray asked, looking at his brother. Fresh turned and rumaged through his backpack, slipping out a piece of paper.


P.E. 8:30-9:30 a.m.
English: 9:40-10:40 a.m.
Math: 10:50-11:50 a.m.
Lunch: 12:00-1:00 p.m.
Language Arts: 1:10-2:10
Free Period: 2:20-3:20
History: 3:30-4:30
Arts: Monday, and Wendsday
Anime: Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday

"Hey, we have lunch and free period together!" Fresh pointed out, looking between their two schedules. Cray grinned, happy him and his brother could speak instead of stopping him in the hallway.

About ten minutes later, the bus pulled into the school, every jock rushing off and pushing everyone else outta the way laughing and joking. Cray cringed inwardly, making sure to stay out of those monster's way. Fresh and Cray enchanted glances as they entered the school, before waving and going their separate ways.

Cray silently walked wide halls, earning a few curious stares here and there. Suddenly Cray felt a tap on his shoulder and whirled around, only to see a female skelton smiling at him.

"I'm Xahji. You're new right? What's your name?" 'Xahji' asked sticking out her hand. I might as well try and make friends. Cray thought,smiling and shaking her hand.

"The names Cray." He said, dropping his hand to his side. Xahji toldhim she'd show him to his first class. She asked what it was. "Um, P.E."

"Me too! Come on!" Xahji exclaimed, grabbing Cray by the hand and practically dragging him towards the doors. Cray barely kept up and she shoved the doors open. Unfortunately, the doors shut just as quickly as the opened, so it slammed right into Cray's face. Xahji turned around and watched with sorry eyes as Cray rubbed his face."Sorry, sometimes I get over excited."

"I can see that." Cray said, finally understanding his nose wasn't broken. Xahji giggled, and gently pulled him over to the P.E. teacher." Uh, hi. I'm Cray, the new nerdy kid."

"Another nerd?" The teacher, Coach Error, sighed, obviously annoyed. Cray slightly rolled his eyes." Did you just roll your eyes at me?!"

"No, sir." Cray replied. Coach looked at him weirdly, before telling him to go sit in the bleachers. Only CQ would beat that into her kids. Error thought, shivering. I ain't dealing with her. Error looked up to see his son, Cil, looking at him.

"Coach, who's the new kid?" Cil asked, chucking a thumb at Cray. Error spared him a side-glance, before looking back at Cil with a serious expression. Cil gulped. (FUCK LOGIC)

"You'll stay away if ya know what's good for ya." Was all Error said, before turning to scream at a cluster of non-moving students. Cray sighed, leaning back onto the next set of bleachers while putting his hat over his eyes. Cray and Fresh have never truly liked their eyes, but their mom refused to let them were sunglasses. And knowing what happens if the she finds out you disobeyed her, they just stuck by the rules and did their best to hide them. The two of them, they could take massive beating, since their mother was a freaking army Sargent. They can defend themselves, they're just afraid they'll go over board.

"Hey, what's your name?" A voice asked, snapping Cray right out of his trance. Cray fixed his hat ad looked up to see Cil, Mr. Ink's kid. Cray smiled and held out his hand kindly.

"Sup, my name's Cray." Cil shook his hand, saying his name was Cil. Cray and him talked for a bit, before the bell rang. Cil and Cray said their good-byes, going their separate ways. Xahji soon caught up to little 'ol Cray.

"Nice to see your making friends." She grinned. Cray blushed and nodded. He unfortunately, was paying g attention to where he was going and ran face first into another monster, making them both fall to the ground.


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