Stay Away!

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Cray and Cotton sat next to each other on the train, Fresh and PJ right across from them. PJ had chickened out and hadn't been able to ask out Fresh, so he thought he might as well try and get close to a Fresh without his face melting off. That might have been a good idea. Cray had told Fresh what PJ had planned to do before he ran off, and Fresh wouldn't stop blushing for the whole day. I mean, the hottest guy in school wnated to ask him out, but was too afraid of rejection! Like, how uncliche is that?! (Sorry, not sorry.)

"Hey Fresh, are Killer and Dust here?" Cray's sked turning to his older brother who had been lost in thought. Fresh snapped out of it with a surprised yelp. He nodded, blushing from embarrassment. Cray chuckled at his behaviour. He'd been acting like that ever since Cray told him about PJ. Cotton laid down in Cray's lap.

"Imma take a nap." Cotton yawned. Cray smiled down at him and watched as he closed his eye sockets and drifted off to sleep. He's so cute. Cray thought, caressing his cheek. He suddenly felt a shiver go down his spine. He turned gently so he wouldn't wake his sleeping boyfriend, and found his mother glaring at them from afar. Cray sighed, rolling his eyes while giving Fresh a playful smile. Fresh looked over at CQ and queitly laughed at Cray's situation.

"Man, do I feel bad for you." Fresh said, winking at his brother. Cray stuck out his tongue and continued to look out the window, Fresh following suit.  PJ watched as Fresh twisted his body to get a better look, giving PJ a better veiw, if ya know what I mean.

"Stop drooling." Cray whispered, kicking PJ under the table. PJ quickly wiped his mouth and looked away in utter embarrassment that he had been caught so easily, and that he had started fucking drooling! Cray quickly turned away as Fresh heard their little converse. He looked to meet PJ's eyes, before quickly looking the other way. PJ was just so...he doesn't have the right word for once in his entire lifetime. He was speachless. Think straight, you retard! Fresh shouted at himself. But you're gay. You don't like girls. You can't think 'straight'. Responded a voice in the back of his head. Fresh groaned. So he was back. Go away, Fresh tale Sans. Nah, bro, not feeling it. I'll just get Uncle Ink. He's always liked me more. Duh, he hates my guts. Your non-existent guts. Psh, Yeah, cool dude. Anyway, Ink's not gonna do anything. Then I'll get Uncle Geno and Error. Wait, I'll leave. I'm sorry!

"Pff, sure." Fresh mumbled, shaking his head. Cray looked up at him with a surprised look. Was he talking to Uncle Fresh again? He never really did leave him alone. Cray's train of thought was cut short when the train they were on came to a stomach lurching hault. They looked outside to see that the weren't even at a station, but on a mountain side. A ear-splitting scream priced yeh air as a woman stumbled onto their train car with a frightened face.

"Robbers! They're coming! Run!" Before they could move a mussel, they woman was thrown to the ground by a man dressed in all black from head to toe. Everyone stiffened as more filed onto the train car, holding guns, knives, and other weapons. Even the ones without the weapons looked threatening.

Uncle Fresh? Come back, please! I need you! What is it kiddo? What's wrong?! There are robbers on our train with weapons, and I need you- I'll be there soon, don't worry. Error, Ink, Geno, Reaper, and I are coming. Uncle Fresh? They're holding a gun to my head. I'm scared, please hurry. Kid, which car? I need to know so I can beat the fuckers to death. Car four. Hurry. They're taking more hostages. I'm here.

Seconds after that thought, the door flung open and everyone turned to see Fresh Sans, Error, Ink, Geno, and Reaper standing in the doorway with grim expressions. Oh God, my punny mind. Fresh thought as he mentally slapped himself. This is supposed to be serious! This isn't the thyme! God Fucking Dammit! Fresh mentally cursed, earning a glare from his Uncle who was listening. Fresh shot him a silent glare that only he could see.

"Let 'em go, bro." Fresh Sans said in a slightly threatening tone." This ain't radical, dude."

"Oh, fuck off, Sans!" One of them shouted. Fresh Sans let out a breath, rubbing his temple in annoyance. This was going to a loooooong trip.

"Ok, let's try this again." Error said, his glitches becoming more frequent." Let 'em go, or..."

"You're gonna have a bad time!"

Yeah, maybe not so long, but, for Fresh and Cray?

Just maybe.

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