A/N and Vent

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Ok, so, family reunion for five days, sorry if updates are slower or I don't update. So, after this, Star Killer, and Nerd and Jock, I'm doing Swap Fell x Dust NaJ, and maybe a CherryBerry. But if I do do CherryBerry, should I do normal or NaJ? Me is conflicted.

Now, about the vent...

See, if you read Glitchy Paint, then you know I put a sensitive topic in a chapter near the end, and that topic has been ignored for years. That topic?

Suicide attempts and Depression.

Now, I told you not to go down in the comments and get all and saying stuff like 'This shouldn't be on Wattpad!' or 'You're heartless!'. No, I'm not. I have been through that living hell, and let em tell you, it's not pretty.

You wanna talk bullshit?

Let's talk bullshit.

You say you understand these people because you speak out for them, but only those who lived and made it through understand. Some of us weren't that lucky. It's a living Nightmare.

'Sticks and Stones

May Break My Bones,

But Words Will Never

Hurt Me'


You wanna look me in the eyes and say depression is something that can be fixed by a fucking first aid kit?!

You wanna look me in the eyes and say you understand when you haven't been through it?!

You wanna look me in the eyes and say that because I speak out, I understand your pain?!

Don't tell that hurts less then a broken bone, ever!

Because it doesn't!

It hurts far more pain than you could ever understand!

I lived through that, and have people I care for dearly that are going through that. I know, I can understand, but can you? Can you say you know my pain? Can you say you'll help me without turning your back? Can you love me for me?

We are humans, and are selfish by nature.

We ignore this problem because it affects our perfect little world. Someone tries to put a needle to your bubble, what do you do? You brush them off and runaway from it. You are afraid to face the real world.

All you see if rainbows and sprinkles.

Poeple in depression have already had their bubbles popped. They are the real world, but they only see the bad in the world. If a problems appear, what do they do? They face it, bit the more they begin to fear what others think, the bigger the problem gets, until it seems impossible to solve.

All you see is war and cruelty.

Let me tell you how this system works.

So, do you choose between despair or fake happiness?

No, you don't.


Because once you remove yourself from your fake world, you step into a new one, one with real problems. But something could stop you. Once you step out of your perfection, you enter a cross walk to the new one, and all along that cross walk, people will whisper words to try and stop you, but now you can't go back.

So you either stay stuck in the void, or you move forward, remembering that people are waiting for you. And if you can't escape, don't worry.

People will step into the void like a light, and shown it on you. The will take your hand and lead you into the world of balance. They will guide you through it all, and when the leave, don't be afraid. They didn't leave you behind, they just believe you are ready to fend for yourself.

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