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It was the last day.

Cray was downstairs in the lobby eating breakfast and sitting next to Cotton as they held hands under the table. They finished and decided to take a walk and enjoy the beautiful senary together. They were walking along a dock near by, Cotton watching as Cray skipped and danced around like a five-year-old. Cotton smiled at his boyfriend, who had his tongue sticking out of his mouth and his eye brows furrowed in concentration as he took cautious steps. Cotton grabbed his wrist and pulled him into his chest, giving him a peck on the head. Cray giggled and the two stared at the glistening water, which was making a rainbow.

"Hm, I wish we could stay like this forever." Cotton said, placing his chin atop Cray's skull. Cray agreed, nuzzling his face into the crook of Cotton's neck. Suddenly Cray's alarms went off. He'd been having a feeling lately, that this town seemed familiar. And it finally struck. This town.

It's where he moved from.

Where he was raped.

His grip on Cotton tightened as he replayed the scene over and over again in his head. The ropes, the whips, the beating, and him just mercilessly pounding it Cray. Cray screaming for help, for someone to come saw him from that hell.


Tears blurred his vision as he began to shake, his legs turning to jelly. He would have fallen, if it not for Cotton's strong arms being wrapped around his waist. Cotton felt Cray's distress ad looked down at him in alarm, fear rising up inside of him.

"Cray?! What's wrong?!" Cotton asked in concern. Cray mumbled, his grip on Cotton's jacket starting to fade. Cotton shook him, making him jolt and latch back onto him. Suddenly, a voice rang out, a voice Cray would never forget, the void of the person who took everything from him.

"Cray?! Is that you?!" Asked the voice, the sound of heavy foot steps on the docks growing closer and closer to his cowering form. Scared was an understatement. He was absolutely​ terrified. Cotton's grip never faltered as the jet-black haired man stepped closer and closer to the couple. 

"Do you know him?" Cotton asked in a calm tone, but anger flashed in his eyes. The black haired man stopped, glaring daggers at Cotton as he saw how protectively be was holding Cray. Cray couldn't have gotten over him, could he? No, he'd done that to Cray to make him stay!

"I'm Jerald. Back off of Cray." He said in a threatening tone, reaching for Cray's wrist. Cotton quickly pulled him away and out of reach, Jerald barely missing grabbing Cray's hand. Cray looked up and met the eyes of his ex, who looked enraged. Why was he so angry? He raped Cray! Was he expecting forgiveness, or something?! Was he that stupid?! Cray glared back at him, holding onto Cotton. 

"Stay away from me!" Cray snapped, holding onto Cotton even tighter. Jerald again casted put his arm and this time, he successfully grabbed a hold of Cray. In retaliation, Cotton punched him square in the nose, making him let go of Cray, scream a curse word of some sort, stumble back, and fall flat on his ass. Cotton and Cray took this chance and made a run for it, dashing down the dock and taking an abrupt turn through the street and down an alley way, before making a left and then entering a small coffee shop. They both ordered something and sat down.

"Was that him? Your ex?" Cotton asked after a long pause of silence. Cray inhaled sharply, but nodded anyway.

"I had just realized where we were. That's why I almost passed out." Cray explained after another pause of silence. Cotton gripped onto his glass like he was trying to squeeze the life out of it. He almost cracked it when he felt Cray's foot come over his own. He looked up form the table and into Cray's eyes. He relaxed, loosening his grip and slouching back into the uncomfortable metal seat. He smiled, reaching over and taking hold of Cray's hand. He kissed it.

"I'll never let him hurt you again."


"I love you, my sweet Cray."

"I love you, too, my Cotton Candy."

To Be Continuted

*Le dramatic gasp* A chapter?! What sorcery is this?!

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