Field Trip

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Cray and Fresh walked into school happily chattering away about the new One Piece season. Cotton watched as the two happily conversed about their topic, before turning to a fumbling PJ. He had finally mustered up the courage to ask out Fresh.

"Go ahead." Cotton said, smiling encouragingly. PJ shot him a nervous look, before sighing and walking up to Fresh, asking him to met him outside after P.E. Fresh heasititly agreed, then looking back at Cray, who was smirking at his brother. Cotton walked up, and a flustered PJ walked away.

"Hey, what was that?" Frsh asked, pointing at where PJ had been. Cotton shrugged, pretending not to know. Cray laughed, planting a kiss on Cotton's cheek, before looking back to his brother, who was still confused. Cray chuckled, smiling up at his boyfriend. Fresh snapped a picture and began typing.

"Dear God..." Cray groaned, rolling his eyes as he knew what his brother was doing. Fresh stuck out his rainbow tongue out a him, before returning his phone, stopping seconds later after he finished whatever he was doing. He shoved his phone in his pocket, popped a piece of gum into his mouth, and whispered something to Cray, who nodded. Fresh them waved good bye and scurried off down the hallway to P.E.

"What did he say?" Cotton questioned, slinging his arm over Cray's shoulders. Cray's smile faltered, until it eventually faded.

"He's going off campus for lunch. He can't smoke on campus." Cray explained with a grim expression plastered on his face. Cotton was shocked, since he didn't know Fresh smoked, he didn't think that anyone knew besides Cray at the moment. He pecked Cray's cheek, telling him Fresh has his own free will to do whatever he pleases." I know. But I hate it. I hate that he uses it for a stress reliever."

"I'm sorry, but it's his choice." Cotton said as the walked to Math. Cray still hates it, but he knew why Fresh did it. Cotton removed his arm from Cray as they entered Math with Mrs. Mapston, who was very strict on students who and physical contact with another. She did not like it, at all. Probably because her husband was afraid of physical contact and they never had sex.

"Sit down and we'll begin!" She demanded in her usual snippy tone. Cotton silently groaned with the rest of the class. Mrs. Mapston surveyed the room, before snatching a bunch of papers off her desk and commanding a random student to pass them out. The random student quickly did as they were told in fear of pissing off their teacher. It was a permission slip.

"Um, ma'am? What do we need these for?" Asked Cray with a confused expression. Mrs. Mapston smiled at Cray, since he was her favorite student. He got away with everything, where as if you're someone else, and you even stood up she'd scream at you.

"We'll be going to a museum, an art museum." Mrs. Mapston explained. Cray perked up at the word art. He loved art, as did his brother, and their mom used to say it was because they were like their father. He felt his heart drop at the thought of his father. He'd never call him dad, and it hurt physically to even call him father.  He wasn't much a man. He did leave their mom for a fucking stripper.  Cray hasn't seen him for ten years, but he stayed in touch with Fresh, because he wanted him to come with him and still does.

"Fuck off!" Fresh had screamed into the phone one night, startling everyone, since he rarely let a swear word slip from his mouth and if it did he said sorry, but he was infuriated that his father dared to even talk to him, let alone ask him to move away with him. Cray had never seen such an expression of anger, it rattled his bones. He chuckled mentally at his own joke.

Cotton smiled.

It was going to be a great trip.

That is, until CQ decided to chaperone.

The End



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Thank morning coffee for the updates. I'm sitting a car, by the way, so sorry if it's blurry. Also, I'm typing on my phone, so sorry it is short. But anyway, I STILL LOVE YOU, MORNING COFFEE!!! My mother is starting to worry over my mental health. Bye~

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