Confused Confession

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Cray had been going to school for two months now, starting his third with a project with his new-found crush, Cotton. Yes, they were sitting in the living room, looking away from each other in awkward silence. And yes, Cray's social skills had failed him some how, so it was just unbearable.

"So, uh, any ideas?" Cotton asked, breaking the ever-so-heavy atmosphere that had fallen over the two young freshman skeltons.

"Um, yeah, I do..." Cray trailed, staring at the floor with a small blush that dusted his cheeks, making him absolutely adorable to Cotton. Cotton shook his head, trying to get rid of all his over friendly thought. What if he ends up actually dating Fresh? Cotton thought, sweet beading down his forehead. Would I ruin our friendship because I like him? No, he thought, he's not going to confess.

Cray just couldn't get the jock off his mind. Cotton constantly clouded his thoughts and amking him blush, it was all so frustrating for the small skelton. Suddenly and surprisingly, Cray slammed his fist on the table out of anger. He turned to Cotton.

"Could you stop looking so damn hot?!" Cray shouted, covering his mouth milliseconds after it came out of his mouth. Cotton's eyes widened as a blush spread across his face, his mouth a gap. Cray began to sputter out an excuse but it only made things worse." I didn't mean- I mean you are hot, but not like that! I-I uh, um..."

Silence fell over the two blushing messes again, though this time with different thought on their minds. Cray, internally screaming as he replayed every scenario inside his head. Cotton, having multiple dirty thought swirling around in his mind.

"Uh, I didn't know you..." Cotton didn't have any words to say. He had no idea Cray liked him back. Cray saw the little heart on Cotton's head. It looked, less broken than the first time he saw it. Suddenly, it cracked again, startling Cray." But aren't you and Fresh dating?"

"Fresh?" Cray asked. He covered his mouth, but that didn't stop his now uncontrollable laughter. Cotton looked at him confused and waited for his laughter to die down, before he asked why he laughed. Cray let out a snort with a half lidded eyes and a cocky smile." Well, he's hot, yeah, but he's my older brother."

"He's, what?!" Cotton screamed, his eyes widening at the statement. Cotton felt his cheeks flush from embarrassment, thinking it was ridiculously stupid to assume they were together. Cray giggled, pecking Cotton's cheek, making him blush even more.

"So, what would you like to do first for our project?" Cray asked, holding his hand and looking down at the sheets of paper where he had written down his ideas. One special​ one caught his eye. Cray points it out." Why not that one?"

"Sure, why not?" Cotton said, smiling at Cray. Just then , Cray's mother, CQ, burst through the door, dragging Fresh by his wrist. Cray quickly let go of Cotton, afraid he would share the same fate, and began discussing the idea. Cotton, realizing why Cray had let go, also began to act like they hadn't just become a couple. CQ looked at them, dropping Fresh, and stomping off. Cray ran over to his brother.

"Oh God, what did you do?" Cray asked, checking for ant other injury other than the new purple indent in his wrist. Cray found a few scraps on his legs and back, but nothing else that would stay for very long.

"I was just talking with PJ, and I guess we were 'too close', cause she just starts dragging me!" Fresh explains, wiping the dirt off him as he stands up. Cray shut the door and let his brother his down as they heard a huge this come from the basement, along with a war cry full of anger. Cotton sat next to him, baffled." This is the mother I live with."

"And this is the torture we live in." Cray explained, raising is arms and flailing them for dramatic affect." Oh, and Cotton thought we were dating, bro."

"Why the hell would you think that?" Fresh asked, turning to face Cotton, who was looking for something on his phone. Cotton shrugged and smiled as he found what he'd been shaerching for. He pressed a certain contact and walked out of the room.

"Yo, sup, Cotton?" Came the familiar voice of a certain jock from the other line. Cotton sighed, wondering how he'd react.

"Fresh and Cray are bros." Cotton blurted, loud enough so he could hear, but soft enough so the two named skeletons couldn't. There was silence for what seemed an eternity before the man answered.

"What?!" Shouted the other person who was PJ. Cotton held the phone away from his non-existent was to protect them from the loud noise. Once PJ had calmed down, Cotton began to explain, only to be interrupted again, by the same person.

"So, this means I can ask out Fresh?"

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