Part 2

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It was almost 12 in morning, she was sitting on chair n reading mails, one from father n other from daughter, in both it was written pretty much same but her daughter was worried that she hurt her dad, n decided she will never talk to him again in that tone, she promised she will behave n if she had any such doubts then she will talk to her teacher or any of her friends mom, she will not freak out like this again, just then Purab saw her, it 12 n she was still in her room
"Hey why are you still in your room, class is about to start, kids are waiting for you" surprised Purab said to Pragya, it was for first time that she was running late for class, yes she has been teaching orphan children from past many years,
"I will be taking class here only, I have asked bulbul Di to bring kids here"
Again surprised, "but why??? If you're not feeling well then don't stress yourself "
"It's nothing like that, honestly speaking (long pause) I have feeling your rock star friend is coming so I thought, I should be here only"
"What??? Why you think sooo???"
"Just read his mail, he is in big confusion n I'm sure he is coming to sort that out, maybe he thinks only you can solve it"
"Really, it's that so, then I will help but if he mentions your name today then I'm definitely telling him you are alive n here only, n this time no excuses"
"Purab sir, pls don't start again, how many time I have told you, I don't want to come between father n daughter, I don't want to spoil anything, I don't want to interfere in their life, let them live happily"
"Their happiness is in you, when will you understand that??? That day I agreed, you were right, you were having complications, you were suffering from inflammatory disorder of the spinal cord that paralysed you from the chest down, you didn't wanted abhi to neglect baby n look after you, or put him in condition were he has to select any one of you for attention but now things have changed, you are perfectly alright"
"Today also I'm right, if he comes to know then he will definitely propose for marriage, at that point I won't able to say no, our relationship will be just compromise, I may not connect with him"
"You are already connected, look at yourself, just by reading his mails you know him inside out, you know he will come today n that's why not willing to come out"
"It's nothing like that"
"Then I challenge you, go out n do your work as normally do , face him, fight your fear, stand by your words, if you don't want to then say no, that will not hurt him more then what you are doing it now, give him chance n give yourself a chance"
"Sir you are sure that I know him inside out"
"Ya definitely "
"Then believe me, after knowing about me he will be shatter, everything will change n even your friendship with him, you will lose his trust"
"Oh god I didn't thought that way, maybe you are right, but this for now, or till I get some other idea, after that I'm telling him"
"I know I'm impossible, n believe be I will bug you till my last breath, ask you to meet him once"
"I give up, but pls for now, pls let me take class here"
"Ok, as you wish"
Just then Bulbul comes to Purab that Pragya has already waiting down for doctor visit , n he comes to reality
(Reality was she had not even read single mail after she delivered, it's was not that she didn't wanted to but she was not able to, she was paralysed from chest down during labour, though she had recovered she didn't read then, she didn't had courage to read them, she was scared that she may not over come her emotional side, she decided she will never read them, even after she recovered fully, but she needed assistance for walking, she still was not confident enough in walking freely,
Today Purab was taking her for  PT doctor aaliya, she been taking care of her from past 8yrs)
"Tell her I'm coming in 2 minutes" saying so he headed to take his phone which just started ringing
"Hey Purab"
"I'm stuck, so it's first right or second right "
"I'm hear in Pune but in reaching fast I took shortcut n now stuck, pls guide way to your clinic" Purab panic n lie him, he didn't know how to handle situation
"It's second right but I'm busy in OT for hour so you have to wait"
"No problem, see you in while "
He goes down n tells Pragya that aaliya has some work so they will go tomorrow, n takes her back to her room
Abhi reached hospital by 12 in noon, that place was still looking same it was 8yrs back he thought to himself, while pari excused herself saying she wanted to use washroom first, he allowed her to go by herself as he knew that here it was safe, he straight went to Purab room, while going up he runs to bulbul, he ask her to help pari find washroom n again started walking
After while Pragya was practicing to walking, but she got stressed after walking few steps just then, she bumped to pari,signed her in hurry,"where is washroom???"
"You can Go to this room, it's my room but you can use it"
"Ok thanks auntie"
They just crossed, pari had never seen Pragya pic, nor abhi ever ask from Purab
As she entered washroom her eyes widened, that room was filled with sanitary napkins, breast pads, tampon etc,
"My god, this auntie has huge stock, this will last for lifetime"
Saying so to herself, she walks to Purab cabin, abhi was already waiting for him
"Hey dad, were is Purab uncle"
"He is in OT, will be back in 20-30 minutes "
"I will get bored in This room, can we go out n wait in garden"
"Lets watch YouTube, I have these awesome video by my friend ( makes her see video which I have link in tittle)
"Dad are you alright ??"
"No, ( embarrassed) if you want, you can go I'm here only"
"Ok dad"
She runs to garden, she looks around for while then sees Pragya teaching orphans children some poems, she sits on rock, n observers her, when Pragya finishes pari runs to her, she was curious to know why so many stuff she had
"Can I ask you something," very curiously she ask
"Sure " said Pragya with smile
"You don't get basic hygiene things here often??"
"Means??? Of course we get all"
"Then why you have so many stock???" Pragya gets what she meant by that
"This is hospital, so we need to stock up"
"Means??? I mean it's hospital then why only you stock up on girly things ( whisper in her ears) sanitary napkins "
"It's maternity hospital, its special for pregnant ladies, those things are require "
"So you know everything about ladies " there was spark in her eyes,
"Can I ask you something???"
"Of course you can"
"Sanitary napkins are used for???"
"Do you know???"( she first wanted to know if she has any idea about it or she was clueless)
"I only know in terms, I mean they are used in periods (again whispering) but don't know what that mean, n it's monthly thing for rest of life"
"You are right, n It's simple, you know boy n girls are different, right???"
"Ya I know "
"You know only girls can become moms"
"Ya I know that"
"But you know why???"
"Because just like birds, only we girls have egg, "
"what we have EGG inside us" totally shocked
"Yes, after certain age, girls body starts producing egg inside her tummy, but when egg is not growing into baby, our body discards it n we have our periods, n if egg is growing into baby then we don't get it"
"What happens?? How our body discards it??"
" don't get scared or afraid, it's perfectly normal n every girl goes through this, egg is discarded in form of blood from our Virginia,  that's why we use pads, so our clothes doesn't get dirty"
"Is it painful, it hurts??"
" not that much"
"Wow this is simple, but dad he completely freak out, ( Pragya smile, thinks about fuggie she must me right of her age by now)
"Dads are like that only, I hope I cleared your doubts"
"Yes, all of them"
"Sorry kid, but I have to leave now I'm getting late for my next class"
"It's so sunny now, don't kids feel heat "
"No, I'm not taking here, but going to other school, bye take care"
"Ya sure bye auntie "
She happily starts walking towards her dad, n Pragya went
Abhi gets restless n thinks why Purab is taking so much time to come, ( here Purab had locked himself in OT, he was tense he didn't know how to face abhi, what if he bump into Pragya, he will kill me, but he remembers Pragya told him she will be going to art school, now I have to face him n walks out) abhi was just about to walk out from room n Purab entered
"Sorry to keep you waiting, it was emergency"
"It's ok, work comes first"
"So rockstar what brings you here today???"
"I will come straight to point, I'm worried my little munchkin is growing so fast ( explains everything till now)
"Don't worry, I will ask bulbul to talk to her, she will perfectly fit for such talks , but where is pari?"
"Your little munchkin is here uncle Purab" she entered with over joy n hugs him, ( in name of family she had Purab, n his daughter Aarna who is college)
"Hey, I missed you"
"I also missed you n Aarna di, when she is coming from college??"
"She has gone to Shimla for holidays from college for a week "
"Oh, so can I ask you something???"
"I know what you want to ask?? Bulbul auntie will tell you , as she knows everything "
She thinks whom she was talking to was bulbul
"I met her already while I was going to washroom, she is nice auntie, she solved all my questions, she amazing "
Abhi was glad that he brought her here, he thought to himself his decision was right
"So what you wanted to ask Purab uncle now. "
"I wanted my mom photos, I want to see her, dad told me they meet here for first time"
He thinks I'm gone now,
"I don't have any of her pic, sorry munchkin "
"I hear from dad that she was working at your place, right??"
"Ya, but?"
"Then you must be having records, or ID"
"No, I have no records "
"I sense lie"
"Stop it pari, you can't talk like that to your uncle, say sorry right now"
"I'm sorry uncle, but I'm really desperate to see her once"
There was silence for longest moment, finally Purab made her sit on chair," I can understand, but believe me, I never took any pictures of her, there was never any record or ID, she was not like employee over here, she was like my sister"
" pari, you want to see when n where I first met your mom??" He try's to change topic
"Yes pls lets go "
He takes her to ward were he first saw her, then to OT room were his pari was born, he didn't had much to share but what all she hear to his dad made her cry, both abhi m Purab console her, after sometime they all went to Purab home,?abhi makes pari sleep n then both boys have deep down discussion
"Pls abhi at least for pari's happiness you should settle in life, "
"You know that's not happening, you know I didn't wanted to be in relationships at first place n that's why I opt for surrogate mother thing, but I fall in love with Pragya, I never told you but since you asked after so many years I'm telling you, I used to come on weekends n I used to talk to my pari, n my fuggie but she never knew that, I still write her emails so dose pari, we both know there will be no response but still we write, we speak our heart out, we feel connected to her, I'm still madly in love with her, nothing has changed for me"
Purab thinks for while that should he tell him she is alive but then he again thinks abhi will kill him if knows,
"I'm sorry bro, I will never ask you again"
"It's alright, I'm going to sleep now, I have to drive early so good night "
Purab was feeling guilty that he hide most important person of his life, Pragya from him
Here Pragya opens her mailbox, thinks what should she do??? Should she read mails or delete them completely so that she couldn't tempted to read them ever

Hope you like it
Happy reading

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