Part 3

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Here Pragya opens her mailbox, thinks what should she do??? Should she read mails or delete them completely so that she couldn't tempted to read them ever,
Just then she received call from Purab
"Don't lie, I know that you know he came, n ..."
She cuts in
"What??? Sorry sir, but you are wrong, n even if it's true then how will I ever know, I have never seen him or know his name"
"Really, don't fool me, how does that possible, he himself told me today he still writes, n you are telling you don't even know his name??"
"Believe me sir, I have not read single mail since I delivered, he wanted baby n I gave him, my work is done, why would I try to find out who is he??? Nobody does that here, it is in contract, did you forget that??"
He was shocked, here abhi is madly in love with her, n look at her, she is not even bothered to find out about him
"But your case was different, I know it's in contract but didn't you were first to mail him about baby, didn't you though of contract than??  Tell why???"
"Like you said His case was different, he was going to be single parent, n most importantly he should know how baby is growing n all other information, otherwise he would have to be depended his whole life on someone to rise his own daughter, how would he connect with her??"
He was speechless for moment, n then he said something that she was dumbfounded
"He loves you, he was going to propose you for marriage that day when you delivered,"
She again cuts in,"that's why he wanted to meet me..! Thank god I convince you to tell him I'm dead,
He cuts in, "why??? Didn't you also love him, I thought you ask me to lie because you didn't wanted him to see you in that condition"
"That was one of the reason, I knew that he came on weekends in later weeks of my pregnancy but my eyes were always closed, first I also thought he loves me but soon I realised it's baby who is inside me, he came to meet his baby n not me"
"That's not true, he told he came for both of you, don't you want to meet him once"
"N your daughter"
"First let me correct you, she is his daughter, it was his decision to be single parent, n he loves me because I carried his baby, how can that be love than, it's just infatuation, he is misunderstanding his own feelings, they are doing fine without me, then why you want to ruin their happiness???"
"Their happiness is in you"
"That's what you think "
"What I'm thinking is right, n I'm telling him about you first thing in morning "
"Ok, then be prepared to lose your friend forever, he is going to hate us both for his entire life, mark my words"
Purab turned pale hearing her words, she was so confident that abhi will hate him
"Fine, I give up, maybe you are right, but let me tell about him to you, how he is managing his daughter all by himself "
"Pls sir, don't do that, I really don't want to know "
"Give me one good reason "
She finally gave up," that day I said to lie him because I didn't wanted him to lose focus, I wanted him to give his full attention to his fuggie, n afterwards when I was on wheel chair, I saw my mailbox was full of his mails, maybe even fuggie but I was afraid, what if I emotionally attached to fuggie, that's the reason I'm not reading mails,"
"That's what I'm saying he loves you, give him chance meet him once"
Again she doesn't let him finish,"sir enough, it's my life, n I will decide what I want from my life "
He felt bad the way she rudely hold n hang up phone , he doesn't understand why she was so stubborn in her decision
Here she cried whole night, thing was she herself was not confident enough to face him or ready for such big step, she was emotionally very weak to handle all this, she very well knew that he was determined to be single for life that's why he option for surrogacy, than why he will fall in love??? All this was confusing for her n she needed time
Next day in morning Pari requested abhi to take her again to hospital before they leave for Mumbai, she wanted to meet aunt n abhi agreed, Purab was not aware of this as he was still sleeping n abhi didn't wanted to disturb him n they leave
Around 8am they reached hospital, both were searching for bulbul,( that's what abhi thought n Pari was looking for Pragya) when they asked one of nurses she informed them she at terrace with other gals teaching yoga, abhi send Pari alone thinking that other will get distracted by his presence n waited in his car, "hey bulbul auntie how are you"saying she catches her breath
Pragya was confused, " I'm not bulbul, she is" points in other direction, "I thought you are bulbul auntie, so what's your name"
"I'm ...,,"
"Hey you here, with whom you came Purab sir???" Bulbul inquired ( she knew she was Pari n though if Pragya tells her name then abhi might also come up if not now)
"I came with dad, we going back so I wanted to thank her for yesterday "
"So sweet of you" saying so Pragya kissed her forehead
"If you don't mind can I get your number, I will call you if I get stuck again "
" sorry beta, I don't have any personal number but you call here at hospital, n ask of me"
" oh that would be little time consuming, can I mail you??"
"Of course,, here my mail id ( bulbul doesn't know about mailing things they share) Pari was shocked, for her, whole world came to stand still, it's was unbelievable, she was smart enough to understand her mom was standing right in front of her but didn't utter a word she just gave her body crushing hug to Pragya as she got all the answers today, tears came in Pragya eyes she too hugged her lovingly, she went back running to her car
While driving she was quite n thinking," there must be more to all this, that's why mom is lie all these years, she has been suffering from some problems, she is having difficulty in even standing n walking, definitely she hiding something, should I tell dad, or call Purab uncle first n clarify with him, no first thing is I will make my own mail ID, yes this is first thing I will do when I reach home" there was constant smile on her face, abhi was observing all this
" what is all this, what are you hiding from me"
" nothing dad, it just I made new friends over here n I'm very happy about it, that's it"
He was not convinced but he did not force her to tell also, soon they reached home
She quickly runs to Dad's room n lock door from inside, she starts making her new ID,, she was learning French in school so thought love would be perfect as ID, just then abhi knocked door n ask her to open
"Just a minute dad, I'm almost done " n then open door
"What were you doing???"
"Nothing, important "
"Don't you dare lie me, little munchkin "
"Ok fine, I was asking Siri ( iPhone) how to make mail ID, but it's confusing, dad can you pls help me??"
"Sure, but can I ask you why you want to create your own account, whom to want to mail??"
She quickly replied,"Bulbul auntie ( she lies) "
"Ok, so you really like her"
"Ya, (she thinks what if dad takes in other n get married to her, right now there were too many things happening around her to think logical) ya I like her as my elder sister
"Really, she is also like my elder sister " n smile at her, he was too much happy that his decision to Pune was right, but suddenly he get upset, thinking about Pragya, why did you go away from me like this, why didn't you gave me chance to be with you, I love you
"Dad,dad!!! Are you alright???"
"Ya, was just thinking about your mom, my Pragya"
"How I wish one day she comes back"
He just hugged her,"that's not possible, Pari"
N he makes new account n he was about to write something n she interrupts
"Dad, amour"
"That's nice "
He goes out, he wanted to be alone for while, as he was sulking in Pragya memories
Here she starts writing mail
"Hey, so how are you doing????
I wanted to ask you something, pls don't mind but did you met with some accident??? I noticed you have problems in walking
If you don't like answering my questions then you can ignore it completely
One more thing, you look very beautiful,
So who all are there in your family??
In my family I have mom, dad n me...
You know I don't had any best friend until I met you, will you be my bestie ????
( I think I should not write more, what if she doesn't like it)
N sends mail,

AMOUR (continuation from other story LOVE IS....) completed Where stories live. Discover now