I'm physically mentally n emotionally ready to enter a new phase in life

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Finally they reached pune by 1pm, Pari was literally getting goose bumps while entering hospital as indirectly Purab gave her hint that he knows about her n Pragya exchanging mails n she is lying about this to abhi, she was thinking should she talk about this to Purab uncle or just play along n don't discuss this at all
"Hey cutie you talked to your bulbul aunty ??" Purab asked her with excitement
Her eyes widened, n with her eyes only she requested not to talk about this now
"Aaarrree what happened Pari, answer to Purab uncle ( she still didn't utter a word, she knew she will get carried away n maybe she will spill beans, she quickly excused herself n goes to restroom ) you know Purab I have some shocking news for you, if you know she is going Mumbai then definitely she is not in Mumbai "
"Call her n you will know it" ( truth was he himself wanted to know where she is)
"Yes now " Purab without wasting time calls her
"Hello p...(he was just about to say Pragya) please don't tell me you are not in Mumbai "
"So driver informed you"
"Then where are you???"
"Sorry sir, I didn't wanted to sound rude but I want to spend some time alone, just I Myself n me" he didn't want to discuss further in front of abhi so he clams down
"Ok, as you like it, but remember if ever you want help, you know I will always be there, you are like my little sister, so please take care bye"
Abhi jumped like little crazy boy who just won game,"Told you"
Here Purab was dumbfounded,"God, how on earth you know that???"
"My munchkin told me that "
Purab just to reconfirmed called driver
"Hello sir, I was about to call you, that ma'am got down at petrol pump "
"Why did you let her go??"
"Sir first she took my number then she told me she wanted to go washroom n after sometime she called n told me to go, she had some work "
"Ok, fine "
"Told you"
Pari just came,"What are you talking about??"
"I was telling Purab not to  tell bulbul that you know her number, n you wanted to ask her first n all that" she tried to change topic
"Oh yes, uncle let's go, we are getting late"
"I also want to come "
"Dad you relax here, it's just matter of an hour, I will be fine "
"She is right, you can use, room 103, that is empty n no one will disturb you"
Abhi felt all these weird, n he went to that room ( it was Pragya' s room), the room was pleasant with day light falling all over the place, front wall was looking little empty, it was clear some photo frames have been taken off, side table n chair had lots of marks, like some had scratched it, he thought to himself," this must be bulbul room, n these marks maybe of her wheelchair", finally his eyes fell on computer, he again started to talk to himself,"so this must be the one an only, from which even my Pragya must have wrote those letters, Purab said that day, all use same ID n maybe same computer also" he slowly goes near n feels keyboard,"Pragya must have typed mail here,"
He pushed some buttons, n opens mail box, "what should I do??? Should I read mails, at least I can see some which are from my daughter" he scrolls drown n keep doing that, he just read subject n not entire mails, some were from yoga Center, some from Pari n rest were from himself, he started reading his own mails ( Pragya had forgotten to sign out )

Here Pragya was thinking, " from where to start, let me pen down, he is punjabi, he used to travel every weekend so he must be staying nearby but not pune as once I hear that he shifted pune when fuggie was born, getting baby by surrogacy this kind of thought??? He must from some urban city n nearest is Mumbai, or he was taking flight every weekend, Delhi Bangalore or Chennai God from where do I start???" She was still lost in thoughts, just then she received notification that her account is been used from other device, she got confused she really didn't know much about all this n again started thinking,"but point is I have to start from some where, let me go to Mumbai only, as this job is here, will decide later" she again hired taxi n finally goes to Mumbai,
At same time
Pari didn't utter a word n Purab was also thinking same,"should I talk to her or let it be, what if she is not willing to talk about this I will make her uncomfortable, let it be I will tell only if she ask" after attaining function they came back , Pari  went to abhi who was sleeping peacefully on that very chair next to computer she didn't disturb him n went back to Purab
"Uncle you really don't have mom pic"
"Yes, she took everything with her,"
"You know if she told you she is going Mumbai then..." he cuts in
"Then She is definitely not there"
"Ya, why she likes to play hide n seek "
"It's not that, you know, till date she never ask about you, it's not that she doesn't love you.....you know she bought gifts for you every year on your birthday "
"Really !!!, I want to see them all"
"You already had them, gifts which I used to send were actually from her"
"Did she knew that"
"She never asked n I never told,"
"Didn't she got surprised when they were missing??"
"Actually, she would just keep them in my cabin n go, maybe she knew I will give it to you"
"You understand her so well "
"But not like you do"
"Hey people missed me???, let's go for lunch it's very late 3pm"
Abhi came (trying hard not show his pain, which was completely seen on his face)
"Ya sure I'm also very hungry " saying so Pari gave him body crushing hug,

It was around 6pm, she reached Mumbai, she was little scared n uncomfortable but she was determined that she will not contact Purab for help, that was reason that she didn't inform him even when she actually came here at Mumba only. Finally she made it to the yoga centre, it was beautiful n clam place, one Center wing with veranda, as she entered Suresh welcomes her, he is manager,
"Hello, you must be Pragya
"Yes sir, n ..."
"I'm Suresh Shrivastva, manager"
"Nice to meet you sir"
"No sir, here we all work as big family, n we address everyone with their names"
"Ok, Suresh as you must be knowing about my problem, if possible can I get room in ground floor "
"Sorry that's not possible, all rooms are on first floor, you can always use lift"
"Ok, no problem but there is one last request, pls call me bulbul" ( she wanted to start new life with new identity, n This name came in mind instantly as Pari had once mistaken her as bulbul)
"It's long story..,,."
"Well then take your time, n tell me when you feel free to tell me, I would love to hear it, ok bulbul"
"Thanks, sir ...I mean Suresh "
"Your room is next to lift, room number 13, wait let me help you"
"It's ok I will manage"
"Fine, fresh up n meet us by 8 near dinning area, it's on first floor only, at end of corridor"
"Ya sure, bye for now it was nice meeting you"
"Same here"
She goes, but after taking few steps she was about trip over her own baggage n he runs n holds her, he say in ordering tone
"No if n but, let me drop you ok"
"Thanks once again"
"Stop thanking me again n again, first thing in morning we will start with your therapy "
"Ok, as you say"
After reaching her room, she arranged all her stuff, n she takes her mobile n opens mail box to see if Pari replied but she was surprised, all  her old mails which were unread, now shows as read, she was happy that now she also can read all of them but she again thought who must have read that mails n it clicks,"oh god I forgot to logout from that computer n decided to call Purab
"Hello sir"
"Where are you??? Have you reached properly?? Are you in some trouble???"
"One question at a time, yes I'm fine n reached safely but.,,"
"What happened???"
"Let me finish, I forgot to logout so pls sir can you do it for me"
"Oh that, ya sure " she cuts call without saying bye as stuff member came to call her for dinner
Abhi who was sitting next to him, n Pari already slept,"why you sound so worried any problem ??"
" no nothing serious, I was just worried for her, she called to say that she reached safely"
"Did she told you, where she reached??"
"No but I'm happy to hear that she is safe"
"You know she n Pari shares special a bond, she knows her so well, I hear from pari that she struggled so much in life n still fighting with her fate, hope she finds what she is missing in life"
"Ya, she is gem of a person, n very loving, she is also very founof Pari n I'm sure she will achieve whatever she wants for life, she deserves all "
" I wanted to meet her once but after Pari told me that she is my fan n doesn't know she is my daughter, so now I will have to drop meeting her"
"But you can sure call her, that should not be problem"
"No I can't even talk to her, I have promise my munchkin, "
"Your loss, maybe Pari is insecure that you will fall in love with her"
"Cut it out, you know I love Pragya, no one can take her place"
(I know that's why me n Pari are waiting for your union) did you said something??"
"Nothing, I was just joking, even she is in love with someone but due to her accident, she back out, she doesn't want to be burden on him"
"She is such a foolish girl, to think like that"
"It's easy to say, but this is so painful for her also..,,"
"What about him??? Didn't he bother to find reason about brake up, didn't he confront her??"
"Maybe he didn't even know "
"So she just vanished from his life, just like that??"
Purab did not had anything to argue further
"Personally I don't know much, I'm just amusing things, I don't know what exactly happened " n he took deep breath
"At the end, both will have at least hope that they will meet, unlike me who will never get my love back"
He gave him side hugs, "never say never, you will find your soulmate "
Abhi just looks at him, didn't utter a word, went to sleep

Hope you like it
Happy Diwali in advance to all you beautiful people
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AMOUR (continuation from other story LOVE IS....) completed Where stories live. Discover now