Sometimes one thing you are looking for is one thing you cant see

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Hey people this story is coming to end, this is second last part, please do suggest what next you will like to read, I will be updating FANGIRL till all parts done, but which other incomplete story I should continue???

Please feel free to reply....looking forward to it.... without much delay here second last part

Abhi was having strong feeling that she is his Pragya, as her eyes were same as Pragya, he was getting closer by each word huskily he spoke to that he could unveil burka
There was only few inches left between them,
Both heart beats were racing faster then bullet train, just then she skipped her heart beat when he touches her face, which was still covered in burka, she panicked n stood up with lightning speed n her elbow touched some of switches suddenly set of four spot lights fell on Abhi, she screamed on top of her voice "Aaaaaabbbhhhhiiiiiiiii kmopen your eyes, look at me please Abhi please open your eyes, hhhheeeellpppppp somebody please help, ppppaaariiiiii, Abhi please help" taking him in her lap, she patted his cheeks, then she unveiled her burka so that she can hear what he was trying to say

He opens his eyes n cups her face
"You deserve all love" n he gets unconscious

Soon Tanu, Suresh n Robin came hearing Pragya's voice, Pari was trying to call Doctor, soon he was taken to near by hospital, then to operation theatre, which last for couple of hours
It's was early morning around 3am, still Doctor were inside OT, there were no updates
With each passing second Pragya was cursing herself, n praying to God for him at same time, she did not stop praying nor she stop crying
Pari too was sitting next to pragya (Bulbul) n she almost fainted because of crying nonstop,
Pragya quickly patted her n she promised herself that she will be strong for pari, "right now Abhi is not with her .... n this is happening all because of me... I will take care of pari till he gets fit n fine"

After sometime later around 5am, doctor came out n informed operation was successful , but you all can meet him after sometime
Pragya thank God, Tanu n Suresh were busy with other formalities at hospital, Pragya made pari sleep on other of bed, n she went next to Abhi, she hesitates to told his hand at first but after few more moments she finally holds his hands
"I'm sorry.... all this is because of me...but you don't worry I will take complete care of pari till you get she is my responsibility....I will try my best to make things work" there was hairline movement of his hand, she literally jumped back to her chair, she heart started beating even faster
just then Tanu n Suresh enter
"Bulbul you go home n fresh up" said Suresh

"Actually take pari also along with you, n drop her at Suresh's place, maa will look after her till Abhi comes home"

"What are you saying Tanu?" He mummers to Tanu
"I know what I'm saying ok" she gives back to him

"What??? What you two are discussing among yourselves?? Tell me clearly" Pragya did not registered what they said

"Bulbul you drop pari at Suresh's place, n then go back to centre n take rest, we both are here... n will take care of Abhi"

"I'm fine.... n pari is sleeping, I don't think it's good idea to disturb both take rest... I will call once he is awake"
Abhi ...who was not fully awake but he heard their conversation,

"Bulbul you don't listen to her, do whatever you think is ok....n do call me once Abhi wakes up...we waiting near reception area"

He gives deadly glare to Tanu n drags her from there, "Why you want to say wrong things at wrong times"

"You won't understand, did you heard she is going to stay at Abhi's   Place till he recovers"

AMOUR (continuation from other story LOVE IS....) completed Where stories live. Discover now