There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts

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Happy New Year to all beautiful people

I'm sorry to keep you all waiting for update, I will try my best to update regularly,

Currently I will only update my two stories, this n Teri bhi chup meri bhi chup, after these two stories what you will like to read

Now without much delay here is next update with 2300+ words
Please vote n do comment with your views on this part


There is nothing in this world that can trouble you as much as your own thoughts

It was not so early morning, around 8am Pragya woke up with serious headache n acidity, she still didn't had anything from yesterday, she moved to washroom, she looks herself in mirror, all she can see was dried tears from last night, she washed them off n wore fake smile as she heard Tanu's voice calling her down for breakfast at dining area for breakfast

(What made Pragya cry last night, that she didn't even had her dinner??, you will know later)

"Give me just 5mins, I will be there!!" She shouted from bathroom

She had bath n was coming out from bathroom just then she felt like her head is spinning, quickly she sat on bed holding her head

Suresh n Tanu, came to her room without knocking almost after 20 minuets as she didn't turn up, n were worried when they saw dinner plate was as it is, untouched  n Pragya looked ashen n both went back to bring breakfast, Pragya ...who was holding her head with her eyes closed, she didn't realise that they were standing right in front of her few seconds ago, her eyes fell on side table with some peppermints n note

she put one peppermint in her mouth n took note n read it

"Hey thanks for your concern, I'm doing fine now, as gesture I'm leaving you pass of my concert, please accept it, I won't sing if you don't show up, it's a promise, see you on Sunday
n he signed as "Abhi the rock star"

Her lips carved into smile

Just then she received call from pari

"Hey how was your fast??"She marvels

" won't believe...
(Knock !!knock !!)
Wait someone has come, I will call in sometime .....sorry"
She hangs up call

(She was about to say about Abhi the rock star)

"Come......why you brought breakfast here??" She asked mystified

"You took so much time so have breakfast" Tanu explained forwarding plate,  followed by Suresh

"Ya sure I'm really hungry" n she immediately took plate n put whole piece of pakora in mouth

"Really !!" Exclaimed Suresh

Feeling embarrassed, she realised how she reacted
"'s my favourite ..."

"But ...... you didn't had yesterday??" Suresh inquired pointing at untouched dinner plate

Tears lined up in her eyes,
"I was too tired n don't know when I doze off" she trembled while answering

Still not convinced Tanu was about to say something but Suresh Gestured her not to ask

"Oh must be.... it was first time"  Tanu mumbled

"Hhhmmmm" she stuffed her mouth with one more

AMOUR (continuation from other story LOVE IS....) completed Where stories live. Discover now