God has its own magic

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Dad what took you so long??"
"Work related call, had to answer, sorry munchkin, done then let's go to buy new phone for you"
"Right now?? Wow can't wait for it, let's go"

Abhi took his munchkin to mobile store n she selected very first mobile which salesman shows
"Aarreee don't you want to have look on for other mobiles" he said with little disappointment as he likes some other model
"Dad my purpose is done, can you insert SIM card for me"
He dose n she quickly calls, he was taking out his mobile to speak but then he realised she had called bulbul(Pragya) n she kept on talking, he was just admiring her, "how bulbul has became more important" he said to himself , as he was little jealous, he thought first call she will make to him but at same time he was moreover happy to see her happy,
Here pari was telling how she spend time with her dad, n went for breakfast n then new mobile
"So you are coming to concert????"
"Pari beta, pls it's very difficult...... " she cuts in n with concern she asks, "Why are you sounding so dull, is everything ok??"
"Ya it's just that I'm having fast....."
In excitement she doesn't let her finish
"You kept karva chauth fast, wow, you take care n I will call tomorrow, you take rest.."
"Thanks for your concern But, I'm not sure I can come for concert!!"
"That we will talk tomorrow, you rest n sleep well so that you have full energy till you break your fast in evening ok bye love you"
Pragya was so touched by her concern n when she last said love you,
"Love you too, bye"

She came running back to Abhi n she was about to say what she talked with Pragya
"So munchkin lets go for lunch at your to favourite restaurant, it will take around an hour to reach"
"I'm so worried n you want me to have lunch!!"
"What happened??"
"Bulbul auntie is having fast, she gonna effect her health, she was sounding dull already, she will not eat till late evening, till moon comes, I have seen in many movies"
"Ask her to rest, she will be fine n it is her wish to have fast, you have to have your lunch"
"No" she said in protest
"Ok, then I will also not eat, though I'm very hungry!!" He said pouting n making her feel guilty
"Ok, then I will have" she says pouting n in same tone
"I will not eat instead of you ok, now stop pouting" he gets irritated as his trick doesn't work
"Ok, you also have food when you see moon" she went with flow, but he said firmly
"I m not having fast, she is doing for her love, my love is already gone, then why will I keep fast??, it's just I'm not having food, only for your satisfaction only, because I don't want you to get upset, ok, it's for you" she doesn't want to repeat same thing, so she changed topic
"Caught you, I was just teasing you for yesterday, we both will have lunch"
Abhi understands she still wants him to have fast because bulbul was fasting, she wants her in his life, but he doesn't react, he knows bulbul loves someone else n even if for moment he does what pari wants her to take Pragya's place, she won't accept him, he smiles at her
"Ok let's go"
"Ya Dad let's go"
As they reached restaurant, Abhi got call from his PR team n got busy in talking while pari ordered only for herself, after few moments
"Hey munchkin, what is all this?????" He said making faces seeing food which he hated
"Dad, these is their specialties, bagen bharta, naan, burnt garlic rice"
"But you also not like these????"
"Let's make deal, you keep fast n I will have food which I hate, what's say???"
Without much fuss replies
"Fair enough, done but I already had breakfast, so practically this won't count"
"Haha, remember you were busy talking on phone when we were at cafe, you didn't had anything so practically.... "
"Ok ok. It's deal" he cursed himself
Pari had to finish all food, she really felt puckish but she was more happy that her dad agreed to fast

Meanwhile here Pragya was in bedroom n thinking how she will break fast, she doesn't know even his name, "what if Tanu Ask about name??, god help me!!" She went down n engaged in arranging things with others, after some time to her horror, her thought became reality, both Pragya n Tanu were making rangoli with flowers
"Wow Tanu,  you are so good at doing this rangoli"
"I do this every year"
"Every year!! so from how many years you are keeping fast"
"It's been 4years" she said proudly
"WoW 4 years, n when you both are getting married then??"
"Aaarreee, first let me get engaged,"
"What!!!! You both are not even engaged??"
"Ya, we will do engagement n marriage in December"
"That's nice"
"So when are you getting married???"
"Marriage!!!!" Saying this she started coughing
"Why what happened???"
"Nothing, just ......"
"Let it be, at lest tell me how it started, where you met, aaarrreeee tell me his name ????"
Pragya was dumb folded, she didn't know what to do??? Just then her eyes fell on Abhi's concert passes
"Abhi.......Abhishek Metha" ( she couldn't read properly Mehra becomes Metha)
"Nice name, n now rest of story"
"It's too long, will tell once he comes, we both will tell together" she finished in one breath, she was saved by aunty, as she called them both n asked them to get ready as  soon guests will start coming

It was  around 8pm Abhi n pari returned, he didn't wanted to tell pari that he is going to Suresh's place for function, as he knew her bulbul aunty was there, so as soon as they reached he excused himself saying he has to go studio for rehearsal for concert but pari insisted him to stay back for some time more, Abhi couldn't say no to her munchkin n agreed
He made bed for her n tough her in, started to read story for her n she interfere
"Dad you didn't ask me if I want to have dinner??"
"I know you are still stuffed with that yucky food, that's why" n said making her feel embarrassed
"Cut it Dad, bye goodnight I'm feeling sleepy now" she said pouting
He gave her hug n switch off lights, after that he went straight to his room, he was feeling little nervous, he didn't know how he will start conversation with her, what if he may make her feel awkward, then suddenly it strikes him, if he meets her then she will know he is rockstar Abhi, "oh god, you save me from making biggest mistake, ( then he new though) but if ..... I meet her as Abhi only?? Then??? Not as pari father....... yes yes I will meet her as Abhi the rock star"
He took out his favourite leather jacket, gels his hair, in all this he forgot all his hunger, he was more keen for Meeting her

I know I'm talking much time to unite abhigya but believe me it will be worth waiting
Happy reading n keep commenting
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AMOUR (continuation from other story LOVE IS....) completed Where stories live. Discover now