From a stranger, i cant stop thinking about

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"Is everything ok??" Tanu asked with concern n she turned in shock as if caught robbing something, she had mixed feelings on her face
"Nothing I was just talking to......"
"Don't tell me your better half is not coming tomorrow!!"
She thought to herself yes I will fake that only
"Ya actually he doesn't believe in all this n got angry n not coming, he is out on business trip to Delhi so...."
"Aarree no problem, imagine his face n break fast, you know Suresh will also be attaining physically but mentally he will be somewhere else, he also doesn't believe in all this"
Pragya thanked god for sending Tanu n giving such brilliant idea, both went to slept for few hours then aunty came n ask," Pragya beta what will you have, this Tanu has given long list, do u want any specific to eat"
"No auntie I am not a foodie type, anything will do"
"Are you sure!!"
"Ya please can I come to help you in kitchen"
"No you sleep, I have Ramu Bhai to help"
She went n came around 4am to woke them up, she had made delicious food, aalo puri, gajar halwa, paneer Palak, rice n kheer, aroma of food was mouth watering
Here Abhi was not able to sleep, he kept on thinking how to bring her to concert, he had in mind soon if he meet her personally he would able to help her find her love back, n if get it then pari won't have hopes uniting him with her,but nothing he could thought of, he fell sleep in ottoman itself
Next day early morning Suresh came n woke up Tanu
"Why you want to drag me out into this, I have long day ahead, please let me sleep little more!"
"No, you have to come for walk with me, come on move your butt"
Suresh forced Tanu to go on walk with him, he wanted make her tired so much that she breaks fast by noontime, he loved her so much n can't see her hungry
Pragya already finished with her morning walk n was busy talking with Suresh's mom about rituals n traditions in general
Here Abhi was still upset on himself as he behaved rude to pari n also he didn't get any idea to how to get bulbul ( Pragya) ready for concert, he also goes for walk in near by park
Abhi bumps into Tanu n Suresh, they were friends as they were neighbours
"Hey lazy bums you today for walk???"
"I made him walk, today every minute he is going to spend with me"
Suresh signs I'm dead
"What's so special today???"
"Aaaare, karva chauth for my long life...."
He stats sarcastically
"You have to join us tonight..."
"You have too!! Or she will kill me today itself, n maa will also like it"
"Maa, she didn't come for walk??"
"Mom is busy with her new friend"
"New friend??"
"Ya she is patient from his Center"
"What Tanu, this how you introduce someone??"
"Aaare she is not here in person, thing is she just moved here from Pune, for physiotherapy n also working with him, I only invited her.."
"She is really sweet ...."
", you come in evening tonight or we are not coming to your concert later this Sunday"
Abhi heart beats faster, as hearing she is from pune he thinks maybe she is bulbul
"I forgot what you said her name waS???"
"Oh I forgot tell her name is .... bulbul"
"Nice name, ..." he grins
"She looks beautiful n awesome person too, should I fix your date???"
"What??? I said you so many times I don't like such jokes!!!" He gets angry tries to walks off, this same thing pari wants, but Suresh stops him n shouts at Tanu
"Why you annoy him always, can't you keep your mouth shut for few minutes, you know how much he loves his late wife then also ???"
Abhi feels bad for them, he thinks because of him now these idiots are fighting
"Now you both stop, I will come in evening"
Tanu think to herself ,"One day you will thank me for this"
"I'm sorry this is last time, won't happen in future"
"It's ok bye for now"
Abhi goes straight home, n wanted to tell pari that bulbul is in here mostly but still he wanted to confirm first n at same time he thought bulbul might not like it if pari knows about her, so he decides to apologise to her than take her out to buy new mobile
"Hey princess, today is your lucky day......"
" Dad please, it's ok, I over reacted, I m sorry, I take my words back" n she gave him body crushing hug, both had tears in their eyes,
"forgot about last night, let's go out for breakfast n then will go to buy you new mobile"
"You are world's best Dad" n she goes to bath, he talked to himself," my little munchkin is so understanding, I have to make sure bulbul comes to concert, I will surprise my munchkin, I will request bulbul to come n if she still doesn't agree then plan B" he grins n goes to bath
Here Pragya was talking to aunt rather just listening, actually she was not able to stop about thinking Pari's Dad, "even he must be taking care like this for our daughter??? even they share such bonding ??? He must be full filling love of both parents??? Pari's Dad is such wonderful person, I should call n ask about pari, is she doing fine???"
" auntie, I will be right back" she excused herself n massaged him
" is pari wake up?? Is she doing well?? Is she still upset??"
But then didn't send massage, "maybe I should call him" n she calls her heart beat became faster as phone rang, after 4 rings she cuts call
" What was I thinking?? How can I just call like this, specially after giving him big lecture"
He immediately called back, as if was waiting for it to happen
"Hi, actually I thought you must be busy so I cut call....
"I mean I won't lie, actually I was with pari n I didn't wanted to talk in front of her so I was getting out...."
"Because of you..."
"Let me finish first, I didn't wanted to up set her again she won't like it if I speak to you without her knowing ( Pragya was like he is doing it right now) I know what you are thinking but you only want to stay away from everyone n take charge of your life n all so..."
" ok ok I got your point, I won't tell either promise"
"Thanks for understanding, So you called..."
"Actually just wanted to know is she still upset???"
"She loves her Dad way too much, she can't be angry for more time"
"Ya she is really understanding n loving"
"Ya, n so i took her out for breakfast n then shopping"
" that great to enjoy with her I will talk to her later"
"No problem, ( in excitement he blubber) anyway we will meet tonight"
"Tonight??" He bites his tongue
"I mean I will call you, if you don't mind, i wanted to talk something important"
"Ya sure but I know it sounds awkward but I don't know your name... so I can save in my phone"
"I'm Abhishek Mehra"
" nice name, bye"
" call me Abhi, ok bye"
He thinks,"God I almost spill the beans, now I will surprise her at Suresh's party"
He goes back inside cafe
"Dad what took you so long??"
"Work related call, had to answer, sorry munchkin, done then let's go to buy new phone for you"
"Right now?? Wow can't wait for it, let's go"

Hope you like it
Happy reading
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