When i miss u, i re-read our old mails n smile like an idiot

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It was early morning, Pragya was doing her exercises, today she doing it alone n lose her balance n gets hurt, cried for help, bulbul rush her to aaliya clinic as she was in much pain
"Why you have to do such stunts, I have advice you to do it slowly n with someone help "
"I'm tired of taking support for everything from everyone, I want to live life independently"
"I know it's frustrating, but look what have you done now?? "
"Is there any other way??? I'm really fad up of all this"
"You are doing great, don't give up now, from complete bed rest you are now at lest standing on your feet, let's try n soon you will be walking n running also"
"Hope that day comes soon, I'm bored with all this"
"Why don't you take break n go on holiday "
"Ya, seriously I need break ( thinks about Purab words, I should go to some other city so Purab sir won't bug me) but how will I manage??"
"You can go to my other Center in Mumbai n stay there, it will be relaxing "
"But Purab sir, will he allow??"
"I will talk to him"
"N how much will it cost???"
"You don't have to worry about that, you are my friend, you stay at my house with my younger sister Tanu, she is also teacher like you"
"Really that so sweet of you but I can't stay like that"
"You can, you are my friend there nothing wrong in that ok, n I will be also coming in next few days"
"Nothing doing you coming ok, let me know when you want to go ok, n one more thing you can join Tanu also, she teaches in orphanage, you will sure like there,"
" it sounds amazing but I will stay in hotel, I can't bother her "
She cuts in," what is there to bother "
"I was thinking if I get job in there then I might shift there only"
"That's great, I will talk to her n get back to you, then you can directly join"
"Thanks a lot, that will be best thing"
"But pls don't push yourself to hard, take it easy ok"
"Ya I will take care bye"
Today Pragya thought to move on, here in Pune  her past was keeping her back n not allowing her to move on, she wanted to keep all her memories back n wanted to live in present n future
Aaliya calls Purab right away
"Hey Purab "
"So she again hurt herself, why she even does that, why can't she move on in life, why she so stubborn "
She cuts in," are you mad at her???"
"Yes I'm, she has become impossible "
"Slow down Dr Purab, your problem is solved "
"What??? How???"
"I have convinced her to go Mumbai "
"Really, how??"
"She herself  agreed, I didn't had to do anything thing"
" now we move to step 2"
"Didn't I say slow down, first let her go Mumbai "
"Ya, hope it turns way we planned "
"Fingers crossed "

(When Pragya rudely told Purab that she wanted to live her life on her term he was hurt, he decided to unite abhi n Pragya by hook or by crook, n told everything to aaliya as in all these years she started trust aaliya more then anyone n he was sure if aaliya convinces her then she will go Mumbai n then somehow he make abhi meet her, then he will tell everything to abhi when abhi will confront him)

Pragya reached hospital n was in room thinking what all she said to aaliya, n talk to herself," will I be able to manage myself, what if I'm not able to take care of myself, no Pragya you have to start from something, for how long you will live in you past, you can't just keep on thinking about past, you can't live this way, you have to move on"
Just then she thinks of pari, oh god let me check mail, or she will again call n Purab sir may not like it n she open mail, again she sees old unread mails "what should I do??? Should I read them once...no Pragya just now you decided to move on n now you again want to live in past..... let me read at least once maybe that will give me confidence to look forward in life... but if you read then he will know you are alive.... so what ..... why I'm afraid of whom I don't know...... not now not today......."
Finally she open Pari mail, tears starts rolling down she started again thinking about him, "how he must be taking care of fuggie... even she must be having those types of questions in her mind.... will she also missing her mom.... or he must have given up n move on n get married... or he is still single parent n who knows he must have already knowing answers to all such questions......"
just then new mail popped, it was from him
She was tempted to open mail, she forwarded her hand to open mail n there was knock on door n she quickly turns off computer
"Can I come in??"
"Ya, sir how many times I told you no need to ask"
"Ya but I had to, what if you get angry like last time " she had not talked properly to Purab since that day
"I'm sorry sir about that day, I didn't mean to hurt you"
" you are like my little sister, I feel bad for you, my one wrong decision made your life living hell "
"How many times I told you it was my wish, I wanted money n that why I ask  for surrogacy, it was completely my decision, don't blame yourself"
"But you "
She cuts in," let's not talk about that"
"Ok fine, so you want to move to Mumbai "
"Aaliya called???"
"You are ok with it???"
"Of course, if that's makes you happy "
"Ya I want some change, maybe there I will find something to do with my life"
"Sure, I'm with you if you need any help, I'm just call away, I know you will do great n manage "
"Thanks I was worried that you won't allow "
"Why wouldn't I??? If this you want then I'm ok with it, n take this you ( gives her mobile) will need it, get in touch with me"
"I'm not going right away, why you being so emotional ( gives side hug) I will go next week, till then I have to work on myself " both laughed

AMOUR (continuation from other story LOVE IS....) completed Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ