Chapter 1

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*Three months later*

"The casserole is ready," I shout looking over my shoulder to see if Kai's coming to the dinner table.

He doesn't show, so I walk down the hallway and into his bedroom to see him sleeping on his bed.

"Kai," I scorn at him and groan.

He mumbles and turns onto his side, his back now facing me.

I stomp towards his bed and poke his back. He groans once more.
Maybe, just maybe, this is my shot. My only shot.

Quickly, without a doubt - I jump on top of him, turning his body for his chest to face below me.

Instantly my hand plunges into his chest, his eyes open wide and he grasps for air when I, finally, pull out his cold, beat less heart.

There couldn't of been a time more perfect...


I drop his heart onto the wooden floor and I glance at the blood staining on my right hand.

I slowly move myself from above him, getting off his bed in stunned silence.

I glare at the boy who now lies dead and heartless,

"I told you I would kill you. It might've took almost four months, but it was worth the wait. You were always dead to me, Kai Parker."

I exhale a heavy breath, "Now, if you would excuse me..." I exit the room hurriedly.

I find my way outside, and glance between the two turns in the yard - I decide to go left - I still have no idea where I am.

As I make my turn leaving the front yard, I place my hand on my stomach - it's grown faster than I imagined throughout the past three months.


After reaching probably four miles of walking - since the jerk I just killed doesn't have a car - I hear the sound of festival and instrumental music - a burst of excitement beams inside me. When is it that the streets of New Orleans doesn't have street music?


Walking onto the sidewalks of the town square is perfect, now knowing where to go from here to the Mikaelson's.


Taking a step onto the Mikaelson's front porch expresses an unexplainable emotion. My hands are shaking, my legs trembling. I'm here.

I don't knock, instead I barge inside. The first face I see is Rebekah - she instantly blurts my name and begins to run towards me for a hug - all before she comes to a complete stop-- "Hayley,"

She doesn't finish when I notice her stare at my stomach.

Literally, she's speechless now.

"I..." I pause, before placing my hand on my stomach.

"When I... Kai took me and I didn't know at the time--" I explain in the quickest way, running out of breath, "I had to cope... not knowing what to do or--" every word rushes out of me, my breathing increases.

I feel a tear run down my cheek.
Ugh, don't cry... please don't cry.

I despise crying in front of people... who doesn't?

Hayley Marshall: UncontrollableWhere stories live. Discover now