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Anxiety's Pov

They know...
They know They know They know!
They all know!
Logic just couldn't keep his clueless mouth shut! And now look what he's done!

I've been in my room for three days, repeating those thoughts in my head like a car alarm. I haven't eaten, I haven't slept. All I've done is sit cross-legged on my bed, hands balled up in the white covers, staring angerly at the wall. It's been hell. Nothing new. But as much as I'd love to stay lost in my own head forever I have to get up, I need water. 

I stand up dizzily, the bed barely creaking at the movement as I trek towards the door. My joints creaking at the lack of water, my stomach jumping at the idea of food and as I reach the door something hits me.

No one came to check...

Maybe I'm being paranoid, I just missed them, that's all. I've been so lost in my own head that a train could've broken through and I wouldn't have flinched. I'm jumping to conclusions surely. 
As my hand stiffens around the handle I take one deep breath before twisting and pulling it open a crack. I look out at the dark corridor, seeing no one there I wander out. It almost feels nice to breath cleaner air, see something other than a wall. Almost. 

I walk over to the window outside my room. I'm lucky mines placed here, right at the end of the corridor. I don't have to hear the others and they don't have to hear me. There was a probably an ulterior motive but there isn't space in my head to worry.  The sky outside is dark but clear, Thomas was asleep.

I dragged my feet down the corridor before turning into the kitchen, going straight for the tap, filling a random glass and gulping it down in one before filling it up again. I look over the counter into the common room to see the TV on but no one watching it. Strange? I take another sip of my water before turning to leave.

"Hydration is healthy, well-done anxiety" I jump at Logic's voice. He stands blocking the door with Morality and Prince by his side. 

"It's good to see you out of your room kiddo!" Morality chirped followed by a quiet 'hey' from princey.

"Y-yeah, I'm just actually heading back there..." I mumble, looking at the floor. My mind keeps muttering 'they know'

"Are you sure you don't want to stay with us? Film something with Thomas? You were absent in the last video!" Morality asked, childish hope vibrant in his eyes.

"I'm fine..."

"I agree, it would be very productive for you to remain here with us" Logic smiled. Yes, he smiled!

"I'd rather not guys..."

I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't d-

"C'mon anxiety, can you do something helpful, for once!" Prince grumbled in annoyance.

The other two glared at Roman as he realised what he'd said.

"Wait, no! That's not what I meant!" He stepped forward, his hands moving too fast and too sharply for my liking.

Too close.

I flinched. The water in my glass spilling over the side slightly. I'm not sure what scared me more. Prince getting too close or the fact that that voice wasn't my own. My eyes dart around the room, trying to find who said that while the others seemed unfazed. 

"Prince, step back. You're making this worse!" Logic warned.

"I'm just trying to apologise, it's not my fault he's so fucking sensitive!" Roman growled.

"Language..." Morality sighed as Prince huffed passed him. Trying to reason with an angry ego was nearly impossible. 

"I'm sorry kiddo, he means well"

No, he wants to hurt us

Who is saying that?!

I placed the now shaking glass on the table and began to walk out as Morality placed a hand on my shoulder. 

"Get off me..." I growled, low and angry. 

Morality flinched, pulling his hand away as I left the room, storming loudly past Prince's to prove my point.

Anxiety is not sensitive. Anxiety is not nice. Anxiety is not weak.
Not anymore. 

The mask is up and here to stay.

'My time to shine'

(Hey! I don't really know where this chapter went but oh well! I hope this makes sense! Who is the voice! Nobody knows! Except me... And anyone who guesses... Cause it's not that hard but Nobody knows! Till the next chapter, cheerio!)

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