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Prince's Pov

I'm staring into a mirror, admiring my godly appearance when I hear a door slam. I look at where the noise came from to see Anxiety's door wide open.


Anxiety barely ever leaves his door unlocked, let alone open. It's normally me or Patton to make the noise around here.

I walk towards his room, peering in slowly.

The room's dark, I can barely see the floor but a whimper leads me to a tiny anxiety curled up in the corner. His breathing is heavy, tears are streaming from his closed eyes and he's cupping his hands over his ears as if to block everything out. 

My heart chipped slightly.

I walk over slowly, looking for any hint to stop but being given none.

I slowly wrap an arm around his shaking shoulders, trying to at least steady him.

He doesn't move.

He looks like he's in pain... So much pain...

Maybe he was telling the truth...

This doesn't look like a cry for attention and I'd know! I wrote the book on attention seeking.

He's... human?

"You're doing fine anxiety" I whisper, trying my best to be comforting.

He moves closer to me, his laboured breathing chipping away at my heart a little more.

"Try to breathe" 

"In for four," I inhale loudly, trying to mimic what logic used to help Thomas when he had panic attacks.

"Hold for seven,"  

"Out for eight" I exhale loudly, looking to see Anxiety copying me slightly.

He uncups his ears and I swear I can almost see a smile before he falls asleep.

I hold my arms around him for about three hours after, afraid that if I let go he'll be in more pain.

"You did good anx..." I whisper before lifting him up onto his bed and tucking him in.

I walk away with a strange pressure in my chest. This doesn't mean anything. I helped him. That's all. I can't have him hurting. It could hurt Thomas. That's all. Right?

I round the corner, confused by the sudden surge of contradicting thoughts only to bump into the new trait, Carter.

"Hey, Princey!" He smiled.

I felt that strange feeling in my chest again. 

That's anxiety's nickname for me. 

(Sorry this is so short, it was supposed to be at the end of the last chapter. Hope you're all doing good!)

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