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Dyllon's Pov

I snuck out the closet when I saw Virgil had woken up and left. I wanted to stay, to hug him. He looked so sad. Actually, not sad. He looked broken. Empty. It scared me.

I began to walk towards Patton's room, it was late so most of the traits would be asleep but hopefully, Patton wouldn't mind me waking him up for something this important.

The thing is, Virge's panic attack was bad, worse than usual. I've seen hundreds of them since we were kids and he's never had one that bad. Unless his anxiety has somehow gotten ten times worse since he became a main trait then that means something is wrong. It was terrifying to see honestly, he looked like he was trying to tear off his own skin, like there was something underneath he wanted out. Even if this was normal, I wasn't going to risk it. Patton would know what to do. 

My thoughtful daze was abruptly ended as I was pulled into a darkened corridor, into what seemed like a room, one that definitely wasn't here before. 

A hand was clamped tightly over my mouth, a figure stood tall above me. They slammed the door shut before turning on a dim light, so dim I could barely see a face. All I could see were a pair of menacing eyes. Although the more I looked, the more familiar they seemed but before I could put my finger onto who it was the shadow slapped me hard across the face, kneeing me in the stomach, sending me tumbling down to the invisible floor. 

"You need to stop going easy" The voice growled

"What the hell are you going on about! Let me go!" I screamed, hoping to every god that someone would hear

"You're being too lenient with him" The voice continued

"With who? Is this some messed up joke or something?" The eyes above me didn't even blink

"YOU NEED TO HURT VIRGIL!" The voice screamed, spitting his name with disgust

"What! Why the fuck would I do that! He's my best friend! I don't want to hurt him!" I cried. 

This thing is psychotic. I will NEVER hurt Virgil! He's the only one who's been there for me. We've been best friends since we were toddlers. Even when he became a main trait, I still tried to visit him as much as I could (only when it was necessary of course). How could this thing expect me to hurt him!

"BECAUSE IF YOU DON'T, I WILL!" The voice screamed, somehow louder than before

"IF YOU DON'T HURT HIM, KEEP HIM DEPRESSED, THEN YOU'LL FADE!" I felt the monster spit on my face.

"And that'll leave him with me" The voice chuckled

"And you have no idea how much I can hurt him!" 

"No, you won't! I-I'll tell Patton! And the others! They'll protect him!" 

"And who's going to believe you? You're depression! You don't even know who I am!" 

I sat silent, lost for words.

"Now go fetch" The being chuckled once again before kicking me in the head and knocking me out cold.

(Heeeeeeeeey! I promise the next chapter will be fluffy! I got kinda lazy writing this chapter so I promise the next one will be longer... probably. Also, new Sanders Sides, ammirite! But first... this story... HAS 11 THOUSAND READS WHAT THE HOLY HECKLAND! In the last chapter, this had 8.7k and now its 11k! How! Why! Thank you so much for the votes, for your kind comments, for your mutual understanding of my nerdiness and for just taking time out of your day to read this. I hope you all have a very great and creative day my kiddos!)

*Quick other thing. I'm making a prinxiety playlist on spotify and if anyone has suggestions, I'll add them :-)

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