15 (Christmas)

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(I've been getting a lot of comments on the first few chapters and I love watching the transformation from 'Depression is the bad guy, kill him!' To 'Yay depression' like yes, he is a smol child, love him, he means no harm)

Virgil's Pov

The video went on without a hitch after the incident, albeit everyone was quite tense. And surprisingly, that was the end of the drama for about a month. 

Thomas recorded and published some videos and we just got on with our 'lives'. Logan and Patton are as happy as they've ever been, Roman has been sneezing a lot but hasn't lost his snarky style and Dyllon, while strangely quiet, has been mostly fine.

And as for the incident with that 'monster', nothing has occurred since. Speaking of monsters however, Carter has been surprisingly quiet too but unlike Dyllon, he always has a certain look in his eyes, like something is brewing beneath, but while I don't trust him I've learnt to 'co-exist' with him so to speak.

And that's how it has been since, uneventful. That was at least until Christmas Eve.

I had left my room to get some water (To prove to Patton that I'm trying) when I saw Roman leave his room sneezing yet again. Now, of course, I was quite concerned but only because of the whole 'Anxious side' thing, nothing else.

"You okay there Princey?" I asked, walking over to him.

"Yep, I'm perfectly fi-" He sneezed

"You don't sound fine," I stated, placing a hand on his forehead to check his temperature.

"You don't have a temperature but are you sure you're fine?" 

"Yes Virgil, I'm fine! I have to check on something!" He snapped, spinning on his heel and rushing back into his room.

"What?" I asked aloud.

After deciding against pestering him more I decided to check on D and make sure he hadn't overdosed on candy canes... again.

"Hey Dyllon" I sighed, flopping down on the bed

"Where are the candy canes I left here, there was a whole box before I left?" I asked, sitting up to face a suspiciously innocent-looking Dyllon.

"I have absolutely no idea!" He smiled.

"Then why are your teeth red? And your breath-" I coughed,

"So minty" I complained, pinching my nose.

"Oh you got me! I'm getting into the Christmas spirit, It's allowed" He smirked, jumping onto the bed next to me

"Whatever you say D, now you owe me three boxes of candy canes!" I smirked

"Hey! Princey totally took one from the second box!" He defended, pushing me lightly.

"As if! He'd choke, what with all that sneezing" I sighed.

"So that's what's gotten you in such a ba humbug mood? Your prince hasn't saved you from the tower of your heart!" He cried dramatically, clutching at his chest.

"No! I'm just annoyed at him..." I mumbled, pulling my legs up to my chest.

"Yeah, suuuuure" He rolled his eyes.

"Anyway, have  you wrapped your gifts up for tomorrow yet?" I asked, changing the subject.

"Of course! I'm depressed, I have a loooot of time on my hands!" He snorted, reaching under my bed to grab six neatly wrapped gifts.

"Aw! Even one for Princey! Are you sure I'm the one pining for him?" I giggled, resulting in yet another shove from Dyllon.

"As if! There's only enough room for one royal crush in this room and anyway, he doesn't know I exist remember, courtesy of the royal princess" He winked

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