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Roman's Pov

"Hey, Patton?" I asked, wandering into his room at 3 in the morning.

"Mmm... Everything okay Roman?" He asked, wiping the sleep out of his eyes.

"I know it's late but I really need to discuss something with you..." I mumbled

"Oh, go ahead kiddo" He smiled, smoothing out a spot on his bed for me to sit

"It's about something that happened on new years..."

"Virgil kissed me on the cheek..." Patton bolted up straight at that.

"And you're in love and getting married and adopting more kittens an-"

"No! We're not in love and we're not dating, nothing like that!" Patton visibly deflated at that.

"So what's the problem? Are you mad at Virgil?" He asked

"No, definitely not I just... I'm confused Patton..."

"With what buddy?" He offered me a cookie

"With how I feel towards Virgil" I whispered, feeling foolish at how cliche 'life' was becoming.


"So you have a crush on him?" 

"No! Maybe... Yes..." 

"Aw! That's adorable! Ask him out!" Patton squealed

"Nope! I can't do that! We've just become friends again! I can't ruin it all!" I rushed

"How would this ruin your friendship? Wouldn't it only strengthen your relationship?" He looked confused

"No... He wouldn't feel the same and... I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of confrontation..."

"Well, he kissed you? On the cheek but it was still a kiss?"

"But it was a friendly kiss"

"So it happens a lot then?

"No, but-"

"No but's Roman" He sniggered

"If you like him then you should ask him out, plan a big romantic gesture?"

"I don't think Virgil likes Romantic gestures..."

"Well, why don't you take him somewhere, the imagination maybe, and be romantic and cutesy then at the end ask if he'd like to go out again but on a date maybe?"

"You know what that's actually a go-"

"And then you get married and adopt kittens and puppies and be the power couple we all know you will be!"

Patton continued to squeal about our 'future' together as I went over his idea... It could actually work...

Maybe He and Virgil could actually work...

Heyyyyy... Long time, no see... Sorry about all the talking in this chapter, I hate writing tons of dialogue but I hope you all like this new development! I've just finished planning out each chapter from now until the end of the book so hopefully (fingers crossed) this might be more consistent. Sorry for the unbelievable wait but I hope you all have a great, amazing, fantastic day!

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