•Mission Impossible:Part 1•

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After we spent the night making out and mapping the plan, we decided to get some sleep

11:34 a.m

I felt a breeze coming in through my window, as I got up and looked out the window

Reality hit me

I was going back home to rescue my mother, from the monster my father has become

I kept thinking about the plan

The first step was to call my father, well, Charles
He's no father to me. A father doesn't threaten his daughter by saying he'll kill her mother
That's something so low

From now on I had to call him, Charles, the man who once was my father

I stepped out the back to the pool, without Liam hearing me

I dialed the number he called me from
And waited

"Hello? Have you made up your mind?"

"Hello, Charles. Yes I have I'll be there tomorrow around 6:30 p.m"

"Charles? I'm your father. Call me-"

Before he could finish I answered
"I'll call you Charles, see you tomorrow. Have a nice day"

With that I hung up

I didn't give a shit about him

I just wanted to get my mother to me safely
As I was deep in thought watching the sun I guess Liam must have seen me outside.

"Hey beautiful." He said hugging my waist

"Hey." I said as I gave him a kiss

He sat me on his lap and hugged me. We both looked at the sun

By the time we walked in it was 12:03 p.m and Jerome was making us lunch

"Jerome I didn't know you could cook."

"Yeah we're gonna hire you as our personal chef" Liam said chuckling

"Nah guys I'm good, I'll burn the house down inventing new foods"

We sat down and discussed the plan again until we all were sure.

So I went to my room to pack some clothes, and so did Liam

Jerome went to his apartment and did the same, we all agreed on meeting back by a gas station and head off

I was riding with Jerome

The plan was that Jerome was going to tell my father he found me and made me come home
That's why I was so calm in the call because he was "threatening me"

Then Liam would stay in his house and wait until I text him that we're moving the plan into action

As I got out of the car to meet Jerome
I got nervous
This is happening. I'm afraid. I'll admit it

Liam grabbed my hand and walked with me

"Ok so we're all set. You ready sis?"

"As ready as I'll every be." I was nervous, my voice gave it away

"Hey can we have some time to talk?" He asked Jerome

We walked out to our car

"Skylar I know you're nervous, trust me I am too. But you can do this." He said.

"I know I know I'm just, just so nervous that everything isn't going to work out he'll kill my mom." I was rambling

Liam grabbed me and gave me a kiss

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