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Skylar's POV~~~

The recovery has been so far, very slow. Emma didn't have major wounds like me

Apparently my wounds got infected way badly and they are still healing. I need to spend a bunch of time in the hospital.
I was laying on the hospital bed which by my the way, was uncomfortable as fuck. I was waiting for the doctor to tell me the results of the blood test they took of me. Apparently when there's sexual act in the past 97 hours you'd have to get checked for any infections.

The doctor came in, he stood in front of me, he looked at me with a worried face, he then proceeded to gesture Liam into coming outside with him.

Liam followed him outside.

What the hell is going on?

Liam's POV ~~~

"What's going on doctor?"

"Liam, I don't know how to tell you this but, Skylar sh-" he started

"She can't get pregnant do to severe penetration. The penetration was so deep it destroyed her lining, meaning now she had to wait over 10 years to get pregnant."

"That can't be. No doctor"

"I'm sorry Liam it's true. " he then walked away.

Oh shit how was Skylar going to take this, how the hell was i even supposed to tell her?

I walked back into the room. I was now supposed to tell my girlfriend, that she couldn't have kids. It'd destroy her.

Skylar's POV ~~~

" hey!" She said


"So what's up with the doctor? Am I ok?" I asked

"Well, you're ok. But-"

"Oh thank god. I can't believe I'm ok after all that shit" I said


"I'm gonna go home in a few days and everything would get back to normal" I said

"Skylar!" Liam said firmly


"The doctor, he said, he said that you can't get, you can't get pregnant." He finally let out

I looked at him and shaked my head no.  I was shocked. At that moment I just wanted to die, I wanted to be sucked down into the earth, I just wanted to be out of existence

"NO!" I screamed

"Sky-" Liam started

"GET OUT! Get out." I said

He walked out.

I sat on the bed crying. I couldn't believe this. This has got to be something out of some movie. I couldn't have my kids.

Why? Why is this happening to me? I wanted to be alone.

I kicked everyone out of my room. Even my mother, the doctor, I let in because he had to explain why this was happening. I just didn't understand. His mouth was moving but my mind, my conscious, it was all somewhere else.

It was wondering across other things. Such as Liam. He wanted kids of his own eventually. Would he leave me?

I wanted to have kids, I needed to change my life around. But now, all that seemed impossible.

It was all impossible. Everything seemed out of a horror movie, and somehow it was focused on me. 

I wanted all the attention gone. I wanted to be alone and I wanted to have nothing, not even a fly, try and bother me. I knew there was no recovery for this

Liam's POV~~~

I'm so worried about Skylar. She just got out of what seemed infinite hell and now she comes to find out she's pregnant but the baby won't survive.

The doctor came and spoke to me personally because Skylar kicked everyone out of her room.  He said she's not able to get pregnant for 10 years depending on how her vaginal lining thickens, but she is pregnant now but she will have to abort it. The baby won't be able to survive due to stab wounds and severe penetration.

I can't imagine how she feels right now, she's having her life being sucked out, no one deserves that. I wish Emma's adopted parents rot in jail, well her mom. Her dad was such a fucking bastard that he killed himself. What a coward of a man. Do all this shit to innocent girls and then kill yourself? Wow.

This is something that it's going to take my baby time to forget. Although this is something she'll never forgot. She'll always have those scars to remind her. But I'll be there every damn step of the way to support and love her. She deserves way more than this.

Life has already been planned for you when you're born. You're path is already stretched out through periods of your life, the thing is, you don't know what's going to happen. But life does.

Now life has a very funny way of working doesn't it, the best people get the worst part of it, while the bad people help play out that part.

I hoped Skylar wasn't going to go into a severe trauma, but even if she did, I'd still love and support her every step of the way. Because true love stretches throughout any situation and any disagreement.

Emma's POV~~

I was no laying on the hospital bed, Jaxon had gone down to get me some coffee. I hear a knock on the door. It's Liam

"Hey Liam."

"Hey Emma. I'm here to tell you about Skylar she's not doing emotionally well right now" he said

"Why what happened?"

"Well, the doctor he came to talk to me. He told me that well, Skylar she's uh uh pregnant." He said

"Omg I can't believe this" I said in disbelief.

"That's not the worst part. She has to um abort the baby due to severe vaginal problems, and she can't get pregnant for another 10 years or so."

I layed my head back words, I couldn't believe it. It happened to me but now it's happening to Skylar. Why? Honestly what has she done to deserve this?

I don't understand life sometimes. I can't believe this, I'm so shocked, thank god those mother fuckers are dead done.

Finally we can stay at peace, but this wasn't going to be easy for Skylar, well shit it ain't easy for me either, I've gotten abortions more than 3 times, but Skylar she never experienced this. And I can't help but think that it's my fault.

Now this recovery seemed harder and harder for one of us.

This chapter was kinda short, and it was boring but a bit dramatic due to the fact that Skylar is pregnant and can't get pregnant after wards. Wow. Anyways that's all I'm going to release my new story soon, after about two chapters of this story. Check out the quote at the end of the chapter. I'm doing this new thing where I quote the chapter based on events. So let me know if you like that.Tune in for more

-Daniela Ojeda

Quote of the Chapter

~We must let go of the life we have planned, so as to accept the one that's waiting for us~

~ Joseph Campbell

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