•Mission Impossible:Part 2•

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As I looked at Danielle get up I wanted to tackle her down

I hated her, she betrayed me, after all those years. What a bitch. I really need to learn how to pick my friends.

She got up, touched her cheek right where I slapped her
It was red.

"What the fuck you fucking hoe. You just slapped me!" She said

"Yeah and?"  I responded to her useless comment

"Who the fuck told you, you could slap me?"

"Um me myself and I. Are you fucking dumb?" I was pissed but I remained cool and collected

I then walked away, as I walked I saw her reflection off the counter. She was coming at me
At the speed of sound I turned around grabbed her arm and slammed her against the bar.

"Don't under estimate me Danielle. You know damn well I'm not saint"

With that I walked away

I've had it. People stepping one me, lying to me. 

I was done. I was focused more than ever now to get my mother back, I had to show everyone I wasn't a scared little princess

As I got to the training ranged
I grabbed my gun, I hit the targets exact
I had to let out my anger.

I didn't even bother talking to Ashton
I knew he was probably faking it too

I just kept shooting

I didn't even look at him. I was done


People stepped on me and pushed me around. Well that was damn it. They want to see me for who I am.

Trust me every one won't know what hit them

I'm confident now that my mother will make it out safety
If it's the last thing I do.

I headed out the range to find Ashton waiting for me. He opened the door to the car
I didn't say anything I got into the car and turned my head the other way

"Skylar I know your mad but-"

"But nothing just drive I want nothing to do with you" I said

After a silent tension filled ride, I got home
Charles my father was waiting for me outside

I didn't speak to him I walked past him and up to my room.

I took a shower and went to the kitchen. I sneaked up some food and locked myself in my room. I fell asleep around midnight. I couldn't text Liam or Jerome just yet, I didn't want my father getting suspicious. He doesn't even know I have a phone on me.

I woke up the next day with Charles banging on my door screaming

"Get up and meet me at the ware house, Ashton will take you!"

"Sure!" I screamed

I took a shower and took my damn sweet time, so I could piss him off.

I put on a tank top with tight ripped navy blue jeans. My hair in a ponytail,and my sneakers on.

I headed out to see Ashton waiting outside

"Good morning-" he said

I slammed the door and looked the other way.

He seemed disappointed

I didn't care. He knew his sister was lying to me and he didn't care. So since he didn't care neither did I

I was over everything.

We got to the ware house and I saw my lovely father. You gotta love my sarcasm

I went to his office and sat down.

"Hello Skylar. I see you've been back into your old self."

"Whatever." I said rolling my eyes

"I heard you hurt Danielle yesterday. Any reason"

"It's none of your business. Can I go train now?" I asked I didn't want to be here anymore

"I suppose."

I left and went to the bar and took some shots

I was so angry.

I had my reasons though

I wonder how Danielle's feeling after that nice little fight we had?

Danielle's POV---

"I can't believe that bitch. Who does she think she is punching me?" I asked Lexa

"Relax we'll get her back. Keep your calmness"

"Your right we need a plan. I'm done with everyone talking about her"

"So am I don't worry, she stole Ashton from me." Said Lexa

"Yo we may work together but don't forge Ashton is mine, she still thinks he's my brother, what a dumbass" I said

"Um yah I know don't worry, I have my eyes on Jack"

Skylar didn't know Ashton wasn't my brother, and neither did Ashton.
Ashton was adopted.

My parents couldn't have kids at the time so they adopted him, and they had me later. But he never knew because he though my mother gave birth to him too.

Don't you love when a lie turns into reality?

Oh shit well Ashton and Danielle aren't siblings. What a liar. This chapter was a bit real, with something's. Some stuff that's going on, it wasn't
all fiction. But anyways hope you liked it. I'm still torn between discontinuing the story or not, I'll keep putting chapters and by Friday I decide if I discontinue it or not.

-Daniela Ojeda

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