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Liam's POV:

It was now Saturday. Today was the day everything went down
This week Skylars been there, has got me thinking

I'm willing to do this for her, am I going to love her forever?

I jump out of bed, brush my teeth and put on some clothes.

I didn't bother eating breakfast I was just getting mentally ready, for what awaits

Skylar's POV:

This was it. Today I get my mother back and take down my father.

I got up extra early around 4 or 5 a.m, I heard a noise

It was my father. He was going up to the attic.


I heard yelling coming from the attic, it was my mothers voice.

I opened the door a little wider, making it creek. Rapidly my father turned back to see what the noise was, but by that time my door was closed and I got into bed

I then went to sleep, woke up around 8:30 a.m

I took a shower, out on some black leather pants with a dark red take top and my sneakers.

I had brought a gun with me, a pocket knife, and a hell shit ton of bullets

I took my pocket knife and put it in my pocket- duh
And my gun tucked it behind my pants.
My hair was up in a messy bun.
I put on a jacket to cover the bullet belt I was wearing.

I then sent Jerome a message

It's going down now. Get here and get to dads office. Distract him so I can get my mom. Text me when you're here.

Ps- call Liam tell him to be here


I sent the message and took a deep breath.
I prayed to god for everything to turn out fine

In five minutes I received an answer from Jerome, he was with dad

I got out of my room and went behind the first guard and up to the attic.

As I opened the door, I was shocked

The sight I saw, was unreal

There was a lady with bruises all over her body, a stab wound that had been patched incorrectly and it was infected. Her hair all frizzy.

But then I hear it

"Baby?" She said "Is that you?"

"Yes Mama, it's me" I said as tears fell

"Get behind me at all times Mama"

We went downstairs and the guard turns toward us, he aims his gun but in a swift movement I shoot him

I run and the other guards are coming towards us,

I pull my mother into the stairwell and duck into the corner post, I aim and get everyone one of them.

Then, out of no where I hear a voice behind my back.

"What do you think you're doing?" Said Danielle

I turn around, she was with Lexa.

I swiftly act as if I'm putting down my gun but instead I shoot them both

Danielle in the arm and Lexa in her lower abdomen

I take my mother and run out of there, but then I see the unexpected, I see my father holding a gun to Jerome's head.

"What the fuck?" I said confused

"Skylar d-don't listen to him, do what you have to do" he was hesitant

"Skylar, Skylar, Skylar. Did you actually think you could cross me again?"

"Well it wasn't that hard considering you're a narcissistic, psychopath" I said very pissed off

He looked at me, he then continued to walk around with Jerome.

"Now. Let's make this fun? Drop your gun, turn around and get on your knees, or your dear brother gets his brains blown out" he said very annoyingly

"Skylar don't listen to him-"

"Shut the fuck up Jerome" he screamed

I then do as I was told, my gun was loaded. I turned around slowly drop my gun, aiming it distinctly at my right, motioning my mother with my eyes to grab it and shoot

Then I see my father letting Jerome go, then my mother grabs the gun and shoots my father in the abdomen.

"Omg Mama. Let's go" I said shocked

I grabbed my mothers hand and ran out the door, Jerome behind me, he was making sure that no one would follow us.

Liam was outside we ran in the his black Ford van and headed off.

We went to another safe house this time it was in Alabama.

The car ride, was silent. My mother, my poor mother was shaking. She just killed someone, I was curing her wound. My father had stabbed her.

He'd tortured her.

He's become a monster. I'm glad she shot him, I hoped to god he bled out.

I felt bad for my mother. After I finished cleaning her wounds, I pulled her into a tight embrace.

I was thankful she was here, with me.

Oh shit. Momma bear shot someone. And Skylar shot Lexa and Danielle. Is Charles actually dead? Or will he resurface? I decided to continue the story FOR NOW! I don't know if I'm going to finish it. But we'll see. Tune in for next time..... kisses :)

-Daniela Ojeda

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