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Sometimes, things happen on life. We learn to accept them for what they are

Other times it's different.

Other times you think to yourself why now, what did I do to deserve this.

And by thinking that you go back to the past

I was fed up. I can't believe they would do this to Emma!
What kind of sick people do this to someone

I walked into Emma's hospital room

She was laying down in the bed sleeping.

She was still unconscious for she had lost blood

Thankfully we had the same blood type so I donated it to her.

We both had rare blood types so it must've been a coincidence we both shared the same blood.
She was there laying down her body all covered in bruises and stab wounds.

What worse was that the doctor told us that her father had unprotected sex with her, which meant she could get pregnant

And her being in the state she is the baby wouldn't survive
So they had to give her a late birth control pill in order to kill the embryo

This girl had gone through so much yet she's so confident and fun around us. If you met her you really wouldn't suspect she'd been abuse all those years

Liam hasn't left her side and neither have I.

I come and go and bring him clothes

It's been 4 days since what happened and I finally made up my mind as to how I was going to get revenge.

I decided to call up the gang.


I was gonna call Jack. I knew he would turn his back on me.

"Jack. It's Skylar"

"Skylar what the hell"

"Listen I need the gangs help right now"

"What is it. Everyone right now hates you"

"Why what are you talking about"

"Your father told us you betrayed us and sent some information to other gangs" he said

"What the fuck! I never did that! Listen to me. I need your help to track down my friends adopted parents they did something terrible to her"

"Look Skylar I'm risking a lot by doing this but I'll get about 10-15 people to help us out"

"Thank you so much. I'll explain everything when you guys get here. Don't let my father find out" I said

We then hung up and I went over to Jerome. He had gotten a place of his own and now he was enjoying it.

I told Jerome what I had just done, first he wasn't thrilled
But then he came to his senses and agreed to help me out

I wasn't going to tell Liam anything, I wanted to do this quietly.

I went back to the hospital to find Emma awake.

I ran up to her

"Emma omg are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm great sky I'm just-just" she couldn't finish it. But I knew what she was going to say

"Don't say anything. I know what you want to say " I said

She was gonna say she was nothing, that she felt useless,she felt as if her life had no point.

"I just feel over with" she finally said

She sighed

"Never say that. Listen I want you to stay over at my house a couple of weeks or so. I'm going to catch your parents" I said

"H-how are you g-gonna do that" she said

"Don't worry about it, we amped up out security we'll have body guards for you"

"Thank you" she said

"You're welcome, now get some rest"

I left and went into my car.

I got a phone call from an unknown number.

Who could it be?

"Hello" I answered

"Skylar it's Ashton. Jack told me what happened to your friend. I'm coming to help out too"

"A-Ashton I don't know" I said

"Too bad I'm going anyways see you there"

He hung up.

I drove home. I kept thinking about what I was doing.

Would I want to fall back into that life again

I was gonna enjoy the revenge. But still I was scared about it
I didn't want to fall back into it but I was doing it for Emma. She was a part of our family now. And when someone messes up with us, let's just say it's so long for them.

I got home and took a bath. I changed into my joggers and a loose crop top.

My hair in a high bun. I went to bed and I just kept thinking about it.

Was this really what I wanted?

Soooooo there ya go. Another one out. Still short but well I don't want to give nothing away. Next few chapters are gonna be dramatic affff. So tune in

-Daniela Ojeda

Byeeee guys

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