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Its been two weeks since everything happened, I was resting at home. Emma and Jaxon went back to Orlando to finish college. It was now May and I wanted it to be summer so Emma could come back.

She's the only one who understands me, with everything that happened, I had someone to talk to about it because we both went through traumatic experiences.

I was still grieving from the whole baby situation. I had gotten my surgery done about two days ago, and ever since that, I would cry myself to sleep.

It still seems so unreal to me how life changing it was. Soon around mid June, Liam and I would have to fly to Orlando to give a statement about Emma's parents. Her mother was transferred to a maximum security prison in Orlando, Florida. So the statement would have to be given there.

Liam has been trying to help me get through all this, I was slowly mourning the pain away. I was happy Liam was being there for me but I was still worried about the fact that, he might leave me, because I can't have kids. I mean wouldn't he want to start a family. He would want kids.

But I sadly, couldn't give him that. I know after you've gotten sexual abused you might not have sexual relationships with someone, well for me it was different. I knew between Liam and Emma's father, Albert.

I had no problem at all with being in bed with Liam. But he wanted to wait. He wasn't comfortable because he wanted to make sure I was comfortable. Which I appreciate, I decided to give it another week or so.

I was laying in bed, I was starving my ass off. I wanted some pizza. I mean pizza is a girls best friend right?

I got out of bed and walked towards the stairs. As I placed my foot on the first step I saw Liam run up the stairs.

"Sky what's are you doing" he asked

"Relax I just wanted to order some pizza" I answered

"Well you should've called me so I could help you. I don't want you to get hurt, babe."

"I know, but you can't keep doing things for me. Sooner or later I'm going to start feeling like myself again, just not fully myself." I said

"Alright" he said

Liam helped me walk down the rest of the stairs, we entered the kitchen, and he helped me sit down on one of the stools in the kitchen island.

We called the pizza place and ordered a medium cheese pizza with breadsticks. I was honestly so anxious for pizza.  I was honestly starving. I've been having myself whatever I wanted lately. I was in the hospital for a long was time and that food tasted deadly.

We ate our pizza and I went back to our bedroom. It felt so different being back here knowing what I went through those days. Who am I kidding what I went through? It's what I'm going through.

You just don't recover from something like that. I never knew the pain of losing a child, but now I do.
It's a pain that will always stab you in the heart no matter what other disappointments you go through.

I decided to name whatever my baby was boy or girl, Leani Samuel Milton.

I'd always have a special, place in my heart for my baby. Forever and always. I decided to go to the cemetery. I wanted to make a kinda of memorial. This baby didn't survive. But what the doctor told me shocked me.

The baby wasn't Alberts (Emma's father) it was Liam's.  Even though what went down. I was happy that the baby was Liam's.

But still I had that burden of sadness whenever I would look down at my stomach. It would bring me flashbacks of everything.

Flash back~~

I was sitting in the chair all strapped up. I was bleeding from my nose. My eyes where swollen and purple. My mouth was chapped so bad it was bleeding.

Suddenly the door opens, I hear Joanne and Albert come in. They don't say a word to us. They pull my chair out into the other room. I hear Emma screaming my name. But she couldn't do anything.

They took me into this baggy looking room. It had plum green walls and broken windows that had wooden boards hammered into them. It was dark.

They took off my clothes and pulled my hair back, they kicked my stomach, my face, everything. My dignity was being pulled out of me.

I felt hope leave my body, then I looked down. I was bleeding. Was I on my period? No that couldn't be I had my period 2 weeks ago

I didn't realize what was happening. I was so lost into the fact I was being abused, raped and humiliated.

That I didn't think for a second I may have been having a miscarriage.

Present day.

I felt hot tears on my cheeks. I felt my head, my face spinning around. I felt the punches, the kicks, I felt it all

Suddenly I felt Liam's touch. On my cheek.

"Skylar are you ok?" He asked

"Actually I have something to tell you." I said

Liam didn't know the baby was his. I didn't want to tell him, it would destroy him. But I had to if I was going to make this memorial.

I wanted to make a charity ball. I want to raise donations for anyone who has been in abusive family or relationship

"What is it sky?"

"When I was pregnant, the doctor, he told me that um, the baby. The baby was yours" I said

He looked at me. What was he going to do?

He reached and hugged me.

"I know I heard him talking to you." He said

"Liam I want to make a memorial for this baby, I want to have a charity ball to raise donations for anyone who comes from an abusive family." I said

"We'll do it. Anything you want" he smiled

He then leaned in and kissed me.

I was beyond lucky I had a man like him by my side, and I was going to do this memorial, and the ball.

Although I needed some help.

I'd have to call Emma, she would like this. We could do it once we got back from Orlando. Emma was coming back with us anyways.

I was happy for the first time since this happened but don't take that for granted I'd always, and I mean always, will have this sadness in my heart, it'll be something that would stick through me until I took my last breath of air.

Because you don't forget a child.

I was still happy that I was.....

Finally in the arms of the man I love. That was my home

Hope you enjoyed this chapter it was pretty basic. From down here everything will be calm but with some twists in it. Stay tuned for that. Next upload will be on Saturday. Oh I almost forgot on Tuesday, August 15 I will be posting the first chapter of my new story "The Assassin's Wife"

Fingers crossed that you'll love it

- Daniela Ojeda

Quote of the chapter

When you carry a life and it's there than gone, a part of you dies forever

-Casey Wiegand

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