•Hell's Return•

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It's been 5 days and Emma and I have been closer than ever

It's like I've known her all my life and we've literally only met 5 days ago

As far as Liam and I well.... let's just say we haven't been closer than how we are now

Everyday since what happened with my father he's been closer to me. He tries to protect me

I'm just so lucky.

Everything so far was perfect
If only I had known "perfect" has flaws

It was now 5:30 pm when suddenly Jaxon came into Liam and I room

"Guys I need your help" he said

"Um yah what is it" i said

"I want to surprise Emma on a special date, and I need you guys to help me set it up. After we're done then we'll come pick her up"

"Yeah sure what place do you have in mind?" I asked

"How about by the waterfalls" said Liam

"Yeah I wanna do it next to some waterfalls and put lights under the trees"

"Alright so I'll tell Jerome and my mom to go with us to set it up"

"But what excuse do we give Emma?" I asked

"Well we could tell her you and Liam are going to visit some relatives and that Jerome and your mom are going for a run. I'll tell her I'm going to the supermarket" he said

"Uh ok yeah" Liam said

We got ready and told Emma what we had intended to

We left to this beautiful waterfall place

We left to this beautiful waterfall place

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Wasn't it lovely

Anyways we left Emma home alone not knowing something could go wrong

Emma's POV-

I was lying down in my bedroom when I decided to go down and grab something to eat.

I walked to the kitchen and made myself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

As I was about to bite in I heard the door ring

I walked over and looked through the peep hole but I didn't see anyone

---strange I thought

Anyways I opened the door and what I saw in front of me was shocking

I froze in fear

"Hello dear daughter" I heard my father say

"Little whore" my mom proceeds

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