Chapter 1

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Jorel's POV

Over the past couple weeks I've noticed major changes in Aron.

He's not as talkative and upbeat as usual.

It didn't worry me very much at first but then he started barely talking at all, moping around, and would never be seen without a hoodie on.

I wanted to ask him what was wrong, if he was okay but I can't.

I can't risk driving him away from that and possible losing him forever.

I remember the first time he acted like this.

It was back when we were teenagers.

I knew life at home was pretty rough for him so I just figured that was what was bothering him.

Oh how wrong teenage me was.

One day I came over to his house, finding him unconscious in the bathroom.

My eyes went wide, filling with tears when I saw my best friend lying on the floor.

His wrists dripping of crimson liquid.

I fell to my knees, pulling him into my arms and sobbing loudly.

Luckily, his sister Arina got home in time to hear my sobs and immediately called 911 when she found us in the bathroom.

This wouldn't be the last time I'd be in a situation like this.

Over the years its happened about three times.

I fear that this time if he attempts to take his life I won't be able to save him in time.

I wanted to save him, I wanted to make sure my best friend was all right.

I knew he wasn't though.

He never truly was okay but there would be periods of time where he was a lot better at hiding it than now.


We all sat in the recording room waiting for Aron to arrive.

He was late as usual.

" where is the little fucker this time?" George muttered in annoyance.

" have patience George " I murmured in reply just as the raven haired male trudged into the room.

As usual he wore a black hoodie that barely fit his slim figure.

I've noticed that he seems to get skinnier as each week passes as well.

It was really starting to worry me.

Aron looked at all of us with tired and dull eyes.

" You okay dude?" I asked as he sat down next to me.

He replied with a nod so faint I barely noticed it.

I obviously didn't believe him one bit.

Most of the night unless be was recording his verses he'd only speak with nods or shakes of his head.

I seemed to be the only one fazed by any of it.

Once it was time for all of us to leave I walked with Aron to his car.

" Ar, buddy. Are you sure you're okay? " I asked, putting a hand on bony shoulder.

" yeah Jay......I'm fine.... " he murmured, his voice tired and quiet.

He sighed as he got in the driver's side and shut the door.

I walked back to my own car, sighing as well.

How could I help him if he won't let me in?

Now I Can See Your Pain { J-Dog x Deuce }Where stories live. Discover now