Goodnight y/n

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I couldn't sleep so I decided to go to the restaurant downstairs. I'm currently filming a movie called It.

I took my laptop with me as I descended. During the night, the restaurant was really quiet and was like a fancy fast food restaurant except better.

I ordered a chocolate milkshake.

I took out my laptop and plugged in my headphones. I was currently working on a book. I wasn't going to put it out or anything, I was just going to write it for myself.

When my milkshake came, I payed and drank it slowly.

As I typed, I saw a figure sit down right in front of me. I glared slightly above my laptop only to see Wyatt.

I asked him what he was doing being up so late.

Wyatt: I should ask the same thing.

You: Well, I'm actually currently working on a book. If you don't mind just lowering your voice so that I don't throw off my concentration.

Wyatt: Ohhhh, well, you're sassy so late at night. Hey how about we head back to the room.

You both go back to the room where you both watch television.
You fall asleep next to Wyatt. Before you knew it, he carried you to your room.

The next day, you woke up wondering why you woke up in your room. The last thing you recall was you being on the couch.

I'm sorry, I didn't know how to end this. I had a dream that this happened though. I woke up before the ending so I wasn't able to find out what happened at the end.

Wyatt Oleff ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now