Why Wy?

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A/N: I apologize in advance for the many author's notes and apologies...

You're riding your bike with your friend Jaeden. You guys arrive at a park and sit on the swings to talk.

Jaeden: I know who it is.

You: Who's who?

Jaeden: It's Wyatt.

You: What about him?

Jaeden: Stop playing "I don't know with me". I know you like him.

Jaeden says this as he points to the other side of the park where Wyatt is with his friends Jack and Finn.

You: oh. How on earth did you find out? *In sarcastic tone*

Jaeden: Whatever. I'd look over at him right about now if I were you.

You: Why?

Wyatt runs his hand through his curly hair putting butterflies into your stomach. On this inside you keep thinking about how cute he is.

Jaeden who was being a bit weird that day decided to push you into Wyatt's crowd.

Jaeden pushes you and you trip. You think that you're about to fall but Wyatt catches you in his arms.
He helps you up better and whispers I love you into your ear. Once you're standing, you look at him in shock as he runs away with Finn and Jack.

Jaeden stands behind you not surprised at your reaction.

Jaeden: Yeah right.

You: Why Wy?

A/N: Once again. I apologize for I did not know how to end this. I just liked the way "Why Wy?" sounded.😂

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