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This isn't an author's note but before you continue reading I just want to know a few things....
•Who should I incorporate into these stories?
•Should I start another book on someone else (who?)?

Y/N's P.O.V

Saturday morning's are always the best, especially during the summer. Today's date was July 7th. Every morning on Saturday's I visited the local library to take out another book. Sometimes, one book wouldn't last a week.

Without any fail, I would always return the books safely and properly.

Besides the fact that I'd have to hide my library card an sneak out every morning, everything was fine.

-Narrator's Voice-

~Parents wake up~

"And where do you think you're going?" asked y/mom.

"The store." You lied.

"I told you that if you keep your nose in those books all summer, you'll practically become a...." Your mom said with no word to describe your obsession.

You were lucky that she didn't discover your stash of books hiding within te fabrics of your bag. When your mother had left to bring your sibling to some sporting practice you proceeded with your routine.

This particular morning you found an interredting book... <Every Day>. You hadn't heard much about it but from the summary on the sleeve's you knew that it sounded pretty good.

You had your hand already rested upon it when a mysterious boy had come into contact with the book as well.

He was faced down, locks of curly hair covering his face. He looked up at you and immediately, both of you locked eyes.

"H-hi." He said in a tremmbling but down to earth voice.

You just smiled back.

"Here. You can take it." He said.

"Thanks." You replied reaching for the book.

You got to the check out and reached into your pocket for your library card.
The librarian scanned your card  and off you were into the world.

Upon the steps of the stairs leading up to the library rested your library card.
Wyatt spotted it on the way out and had seen it fall out of your book. He tried to rush and give it back but you were too fast of a walker.

Within minutes, you were already back home. Your mom nor father or brother
were home yet.

Wyatt thought to himself. He hadn't any clue how he was going to get the card back to you. The only solution was to wait for you or to check every house on the street he last saw you turn into. He couldn't bring it back to the lieary because he wouldn't be able to see you again and that was his main goal.

He started off or his quest....
It took him long half-hours but he eventually arrived to a conclusion. He found his way. He rang the doorbell and there you were with the book in your hands.

"You dropped this." He said.

"Thanks. I don't know what I would do without it."

"Look. I know we're only acquantinces but I hope that we can get to know each other a little better." He said.

"I hope so too." You replied.

The next thing you knew, he was out the door leaving back to his home. From then on, you'd see him every Saturday at the library.

"I'll see you around at the Library!" He shouted back as hope that he would see you again soon.

This probably isn't that good but it's a start. I'm working on a story but it needs a lot of work.
How would you guys feel about reading a seperate book of original content?

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