'Till There Was You

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December 20th

-At a Party-

"Why don't you date anyone?" Asks Y/Best/F

"Well. There's not exactly anyone that I'm interested in at the moment. In other words, at the moment, everyone is just not my cup of tea." You replied.

The party wasn't as loud as you'd expect. Everyone was pretty grounded and weren't messing around. It was just... You felt that something was missing. The music wasn't classical but it was calm. The soft sounds of bells rang in the background, but you ignored them. The music behind you kept on playing nicely but "ragefully" in a good way.

December 22nd

-At the Mall-

The mall was packed. Just a few days away from Christmas, you could tell that many parents and grandparents were unprepared as they bought last minute Christmas gifts for their loved ones. The mall was decorated for the Holidays and remained warm. Outside, it was as cold as ever. It wasn't the worst of the winters but, it was freezing. What were you doing at the mall? You were observing the happiness of children, parents and elders who were making their way to Chapters Indigo, your favourite bookstore. Your friend trailed behind you happy to be there and to be with you. 

The books were perfectly lined up on the shelves as you picked up a book. Making your way over to the cash register, you payed and left.

It was crowded. You both hardly made it out of Chapter's. Though it was tough, you made it. There were no signs of large crowds until you hit the middle of the mall. People were in a rush to get out and there was no way out of it. Suddenly, you bumped into a teenage boy about your age. 

"Sorry." He said.

"It's alright." You replied.

"Which way are you trying to go?" He asked playfully.

"Out. I'm just waiting for my friend. She left me in this crowd. She's probably just around the corner though." 

"Hey. Take this." He said.

"My name's Wyatt."


"I have to go now but, I'll see you around." He replied leaving the crowd.

You suddenly heard the faint sound of bells piercing your ears but in the most lightest way possible. You knew that you'd heard them before but now, you knew where they were coming from. As Wyatt left, attached to his coat were small bells that made faint noises every time he walked by. "He must've been at the party" You thought.


I'm currently having writer's block. Sorry if I don't update as avidly. School started in late August and we're now in the time of "let's get real" at school. I'll always update when I have time though. 

Wyatt Oleff ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang