Chapter 7

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      So I want to thank everyone for reading and voting i really am grateful but im not antisocial our nothing like that. I would love your feedbacks on my story to make it better or just to say you love it... thanks again......... And by the way this chapter is Rated R... Enjoy

                                                                  Chapter 7

I looked at Kane face and knew he was telling the truth. He trusted me enough to let me inside of his head.The things I saw made my stomach twist. .I even saw him when he had no control over his demon murdering thousands of people.My dad and uncle was feeding off humans and than leaving them for dead. Even my own people was evil and i had no clue.

 My mom made my father set a new rule to never go over into another world and feed off unwilling humans because we had humans who was willing to be a food source to make a living in our own world.

"Why"  I said with tears rolling down my face. My father was not the man I thought he was, not the man my mother grew to love. My heart felt like it was about to burst. I cant face him yet, i just cant.

I flashed myself back inside the cage and stood at the far wall away from Kane,wrapping my hands around my middle. I couldnt look him in his eyes knowing he had every right to kill my people for what horrible things they have done.

"I know you want to kill us and i dont blaime you. Everything i thought my people stood for was all a show they put on for me. ugh!! no wonder why Mrs.Jenkins look at me as if i was a monster"

I got no reply from him for awhile. I could feel him coming to stand next to me but he still was silent. More tears rolled down my cheeks. I dont want to be here anymore. That princess shit, they could have i was beyond through with this world.

"Earlier at the ball, you said people called you a monster once before" he finally said breaking his silence. I couldnt speak i just nodded my head. "Well i don't want to hear why from your moth but can you trust me enough to show me why ?"

I turned facing his beautiful multi color eye's. I could get use to waking up to them every morning. Waking up to a powerful Lord is reason enough to feel like your on top of the world. I reached out and ran my index finger down the side of his face and he closed his eyes on contact.

"Yes" I said linking our minds together as soon as he open them back up before my fear take over again. Right now I didnt want to run from him, right now I just want to feel a sense of comfort and I feel that with him at this very second.

 Multiple images was running through his mind at the moment. From the times I spent with my mom going places to the day she died, I let him completely in. Dont ask me why, it just felt right. I showed him when I first came into my full powers and didnt have full control of them, I ran smacked into a tree at top speed. I felt his lips lift against my hands as if he was fighting a smile until I heard him let out a full blown laugh when I got back up and did it again. I couldnt help but laugh myself. Then images of the whole Gabriel thing came into view and I felt his jaw popped. I wondered was he thinking of me as the others thought of me.

I didnt realize I was leaning into kane chest when we both snapped out of the link. His strong musculian arms came around me holding me in place so i would'nt snatch away like I did before. "Dammit Carla, You're no monster. Your Father is! Hell I even am, but never you. You been call a monster for running to your father after someone you thought would hold you and give you comfort but instead he ended up killing a man. It's not your fault, stop carrying that baggage around and just let it go"

As soon as the last world left his mouth I was pulling his head down to mines and was placing my lips to his. At first I felt him go tense, so I raised up on my tip toes to deepen the kiss. "Please, I need this" i whispered up against his lips, afraid he was gone let me go . He gave a fierce growl and stuck his tongue deeper into mouth.

It was like Iwas dreaming, it did not feel as if we were in a small cell in the dungeon. None of that mattered at this moment but us. I pushed him back on the little bed that was in the cell in climb on top of him.

I ran my tongue from his lips to his neck and bite down gently but i did not sink my teeth in his neck just nibble on it. He let out a rough moan and pushed up his erection budge in his pants into my femine core and i let out a gasp.

"Do it, love. Bite me" He said while I was enjoying the feeling of his mouth against my ear.

His blood has been in my mind since I first had a sniff at it at the ball.  My fangs extended in was at the tip of his neck when I froze. Could i trust him not to kill me or was this a trick was all running through my mind. As if he felt my worries he raised my head away from his neck and made me looked him in the eyes.

"Carla, you showed me a diffrent side of you today. I also showed you me, all of me. So Trust me. I would never hurt you". He placed a kiss on my lips and I open to him immediatly. Soon I found myself grinding my hips against him again. His hands was roaming down my body and he gripped my ass sending a wave of pleasure through my body.

Than his hands found its way inside my panties and he found my most sensitive spot. "Yes, right there" I moaned. He accept my plea and let his two fingers play inside of me.  I begin to arch my hips up to meet his trust. He took that as a sign to let his fingers move faster and I was on edge of sanity as I was almost screaming his name. My thighs started to tremble and I could feel my climax rushing out, so I bend my head down and bite into his neck letting his blood rush down my throat as I came for My Lord.

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