Chapter 12

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(Vote almost at triple digits .... yayyy!!! Also my chapters are un -edit. I'm looking for an editor and someone to put my name and stuff on my picture )

"Kane " I moaned trying to open my heavy eye lids. Last I remember I was in Kane cell with all his brother's then he offered me his blood. Did he poison me? No he wouldn't do that.

"Kane " I said again.

"No Kane's not here at the moment just Demetri "

My eyelids popped open and quickly adjusted to him standing at the foot of the bed I was on. He was build like a man that wasin the gym 24/7. He had all black on looking scary with his mixed eyes. I tried to sit up but realize that I couldn't because my arms and legs was tied to the bed.

I quickly panic using my vampire strength to break them but the bond's was not breaking. "You can't break those " he said stalking me with his eye's .

I looked around in I was in some sort of what look as if a cabin's bedroom. There was wood everywhere which wood could kill me in an instant. Tears start streaming down my eye's. "I don't want to die please " I said to him.

"I'm not gone kill you princess, I wouldn't want my brother to kill me but I do want to get some answers out of you but if they are not what I want to hear I might torture you a wee bit "

He said that as if it made anything better . "Does Kane know what you are doing to me "

"Of course he don't but he will find out when he get back so he'll get over it. I'm his blood so he won't send me to my grave "

"KANE!! KANE!! " I screamed but Demetri just smiled and pulled out a sharp dagger.

"Kane not here at the moment, so let's begin . Tell me all your fathers secrets and don't leave out a thing "

"What damn secrets, I didn't even know what he was doing in the other world but - oww "

He ran the blade down my leg. I looked down at my bleeding wound and it wasn't healing.

"What are you doing to me " I cried

"Just my way of saying wrong answer, I'll let you try again though "

I closed my eye's wishing the nightmare would end. Didn't Kane let him know that I was not involve in my people action's. I'm pretty sure he did, so what was this giant problem with me.

He cut me again in the same leg and it felt as if fire was flowing through my leg. The pain was so unbearable all I wanted to do was cut my leg off.

My throat felt like sand paper. "For the last time princess let me in your mind and this would get much much better on you "

"No - I don't trust you " he was about to strike again when Rayes appeared in the room singing some rockstar song but he immediately froze when he saw me sweating bullets with holes in my leg and Demetri standing over me with the dagger.

"Dude what in the hell " Rayes yelled at him coming to my side. "I told Kane not to trust you with the woman because everyone is a back stabber to you " He started to untie me.

"I think she knows more than she's letting up Rayes and this was my time to find out but you had to come mess things up " Demetri said .

"If my brother trust her, so do I end of story. "

"Fine, have it your way " and with that he was gone.

Rayes turned towards the door and I tried to scream but only a whisper came out, "Please don't leave me, he will be back." Rayes turned back towards me and smiled "I'm not going to leave you, I'm just going to get a towel to suck out the poison in your leg "

He got one and knelled at the foot of the bed and. started sucking on my wounds. "Wouldn't you die if you do that " I asked weakly.

"Not at all, this type of poison only slow vamps down "

"Why Demetri do this to me, Kane told him I didn't know anything "

"He spends his life getting treated like a wild animal before his demon -"

"Kane told me the story" I said smiling weakly. Rayes looked stunned at first then just smiled.

"Kane use to be hard egg to crack and here you are the woman who most likely know more about him than his own brothers " That made me feel good.

I didn't know if I dosed off or what but I awoke to voices very angry voices. I looked over and Kane looked pissed as he yelled at his brother's but I didn't see Demetri in the crowd.

"I left two damn hours and y'all let him cut my girlfriend senseless " Kane said to them.

"We didn't know brother trust us " Bo said.

Rayes placed his hand on Kane shoulder "I stopped it as soon as I saw it and look here, she's awake now "

Kane spinned around and pushes Rayes out the way to get to me. "Hey" Rayes said smiling and holding her hands up "I just wanted a little smooch from her after I saved her from Demetri she owes me "

"Not ever going to happen buddy " Kane said sitting beside me and kissing me on my forehead "hey how you feeling "

"Better than I was before " I said reaching up to rub his jaw line. He smiled down at me and brushed his lips against mine. "I'm sorry about what my brother did to you if I see him I would snap his neck "

"It's okay baby, he trusts no one and he was just looking out for his family "

"Well I trust you and he should have too " I leaned up and kissed his lips. He looked down at me and deepen the kiss laying me back against the bed.

" I think that's our que to leave " one of his brother's said but I couldn't see over Kane wide chest.

"No let's watch " Rayes said jokingly " this should be interesting "

"Leave " Kane roared and they all disappeared laughing. "Now that I have you in the bed let's explore the things I could do to you "

(Warning next chapter is parental advisory)

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