Chapter 11

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Looking forward to you guys comments :-)

( Kane POV)

All my brothers stood before me in the tiny cell ready to go to war. Rayes, Riley, Kalib, Darius, Bo and Demetri.

"Brother I don't understand why we can't take them all out as we speak. We got explosives all surrounding this hell hole " Demetri stepped up and said with his one blue eye and the other red eye. If he wasn't my brother I would be afraid to even look at him. Standing 6'9 of pure muscle everybody looked up to him.

"I told you the princess don't deserve this, she had no idea what her people was up to and dont ask me how i know Demetri because she let me invade her past and present through her mind. We get her out than we blow this mf to the moon "

"Are you in love Kane? " Kalib asked standing slightly shorter than me with sandy brown hair going wild in his head.

"Who said anything about love " I questioned him. Hell I didn't even know myself. That night we shared was beyond amazing but I knew I didn't want to take her in this small smelly cell.

Darius stepped forward this time standing 6'2 with short spiky blue hair. "Well it's just odd that you would delay a battle for a woman any other time it would've been leave no survivors "

He was right but Carla was different. She trusted me inside her head and I treasure that. Before I could speak Carla popped right infront of me.

"God finally " she said throwing her arms around my neck kissing me not noticing the audience behind us. "Heaven " my demon purred inside my body.

That was weird because my demon don't usually interact with anything else except for destruction and killing.

"Well I see the reason why you not ready to come home " Demetri said breaking Carla out her lust spell.

She quickly unwind her hands from my neck and moved quickly behind me placing her arm's around my waist shielding herself from view.

"Oh come on now honey don't be shy now " Rayes said trying to peep over my shoulders but I just pushed him back and grabbed her arm slightly urging her infront of me.

"This is The Princess Carla and Carla this is my brother's " I started introducing each of my brother's when Rayes grabbed her pulling her into a full blown bear hug.

"Yeah meet the flirt of the family, Rayes " He let her down and kissed her hands. I wanted to punch him in the face. Whoa where was that jelousy come from.

Rayes held his hands up in defeat " Yes I'm guilty of that "

"Uhm Kane " Demetri said getting my attention.

"Yes " I replied

"Do you see her neck " Soon as the words left his lips my eye's snapped to her neck and she placed her hands around the black and blue bruises. ut it was to late I saw them.

My mind was so angry, I almost let my demon loose but I contained it and stalked over to her pushing her hand's away and examining the wounds.

She started trembling and tears started to flow. I grabbed her and held her rubbing her back.

"Shh .. fancy face its going to be just fine "

"I tried to come to you Kane, you have to help me "

I pulled back and looked down in her face and kissed at her tears. "Just tell me what's going on and than I will handle it "

She proceeded to tell us what all went down with her father and Gabriel and I never been so angry in my whole life. If it wasn't for Carla leaning on me I would've flew up them stairs and into that castle not sparing a soul.

"I say lets kill them right now " Bo said in his husky voice. Bo was biggest of us all but he never said much so all of us was shocked. That's one thing we all agree on, don't ever lay hand's on women.

She started rubbing her eye's than I realize she must be sleepy ar drained from that fight with that punk. So I grabbed her by her waist pulling her to a corner of the cell.

"Drink " I commanded bearing my neck .

She shook her head "I'm not thirsty I only lied to get to you "

"No Carla a demons blood strengthen your kind that's why your father gave me to you "

She looked up at me and licked her lips and I immediately captured her lips with my own. She gave a little moan and pulled back and sank her teeth into my neck.

I was well aware of my brother's gaze but I didn't care as long as Carla felt right.

She pulled away and laid her head against my chest.

"Sleep " I said in a whisper and her body went limp and I picked her up into my arm's cradling my woman.

"Let's go " I told my brother's as I disappeared.

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