Chapter 8

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I am truely sorry if it seems boring but this is all a must before getting to the good part i promise you im going somewhere with this story so hang on because the fun has yet to come. Make sure you vote ......

                                                                     (Gabriel POV)

I was sitting in Silvester office which look more of a library than an office but that would explain why Carla was such a book fanatic herself. In the far end wall A larger window sat looking over the lake. Thats also the place where i first meet my meet carla when i thought i didnt want to live anymore.


I felt a stinging sesnsation in my back that jerk me out of my dreams. I wanted to move but didnt thought i should because the next stake would be lodge in my heart. I knew it was my mother i didnt even have to look.

I had no idea why my mother always beat me, of course she is my mother so me being a vampire was not a reason for me to stop her. I felt as if she was tired of living so she took it out on me. My dad left her and move across town away from the pain of seeing my mother going through depession but he didt take me.

He would come get me from time to time but when ever i came home i paid the price. I never thought the day would come that i would raise my hand at a woman but there was only soo much i could take at th moment.

"Gabriel where the hell your father took you and dont you dare lie to me. Was it his mistress house he living in, ughhh  I hate a was given an child such as you or a husband like john"

I slowly slid up from the bed and held my hands out to her. "Mother please calm down, father said he only need time away not because of another woman" I watched as she inched closer to me with the stake still aimed at my chest.

"Im tired of your lies you wicked bastard and im tired of you!!"  My mother ran at me with her vampire skills but i jumped out the way and she crashed into the old wooden mirror breaking it on contact.

"Mother please i cant take this shit anymore!! You constenly take your pain out on me and i just sit her and let you but not anymore. Im packing and staying with father"

"I will never let him have you!!!" She scream while driving the stake into my arm. "AHH" i scream as i pushed my mother away. At the moment i didnt realize i used my vamp strenght and she flew back on top of the already broken Mirror.

A piece of  what was already broken peirced her heart and she turned into dusk immediately.

 "Mom", i whispered before i yelled "MOM". I dropped to my knees and cried that entire night. Nobody ever knew what i did or knew what i became. I could feel myself changing and i hated it. My mother's ashes was still scattered across my room. "She deserve better ", i whispered picking myself up off the floor

After night fall i had found the strenght to pick myself up off the ground and gather her up my mother's ashes into my little wooden chest and set off towards the lake to scatter therm in the moonlight. I have never felt so alone in my entire life, all i keep whispering to my mother is why...

I stood in the dark depressing forest facing the multi- color lake. The water in our world has color to it not clear like earth. I open the chest and began talking to my mother:

You didnt wanted me to be your little boy

You didnt wanted me to see you as my world

You didnt want me to be all I could be

I wanted you to open your eyes and see

The bruises on my arms were not love

The pain in my eyes was not relief

Blood stained the white feathers of the dove

And you did not mourn, but i grieved

My childhood was dust in the wind

By the time I was four

It was over with

The moment you shoved me into that door

But mother , I am sorry

I am sorry I wasn't everything you wanted

I am sorry I made you mad

I am sorry for being so bad

I took the beatings for my father

because you didn't see he had already given up

I carried the burden of pain for you mother

because you didn't see you was already shriveled up

I love you and hope to join you soon.

By the end i was on my knees shivering and crying. I threw the ashes in the Lake and watch as they dance away. I never knew someone was behind me until they place they hand on my shoulders and kneeled down beside me.

"Hey are you alright", the soft silky voice said. I raised my head up and instanly my breath caught in my throat. The most delicant woman was looking into my eyes with concern. She wore a long white night gown that made her gloden locks stand out.

"No," i said unable to lie to someone as breath taking as her, " I've just lost my mother".

"Oh my " she said wrapping her arms around me and laying her head on my shoulder. " I lost my mother a year ago and it still seems like it was yesterday, but the best thing is for you to just let it out, im here and Ohh Im Carla by the way"

"What, The Princess, what are you doing out here by yourself, someone could kidnap you"

She still didnt move from her hold she had on me. "  The castle just on the other side of the Lake. I could defend myself and beside im not alone i have you"

I chucled and sighed, "Yeah You have me"

I laid my head on top of hers and we just sat there the whole night...


"Gabriel, son state you buisness here", Silvester snapped at me. I was soo lost in thought i had forgot i was sitting in his officee. He was eying me as if i was crazy and Samuel was also doing the same.

"My apologizes your highness, i have come here today to ask for your daughter hand in marriage"

He looked stunned than said, "After what you did to her i think not"

"Sir, i have tried multiplie times to make her see the change in me but i have failed and i see this right her as an white flag for me. I love her with every fiber in my bone and will not disappoint her again if im giving a chance but also i think you should re-think your order here because see my father left some juicy details behind concerning How your kingdom get slaves as food sources and i would be gladly release them upon your ppl.

"Boy how fucking dare you come in here as if you scare me", Samuel replied.

I just smirked and replied, "hey your call".

Silvester paused for a minuete than he said, " fine i will ask her".

"NO!!" i yelled, "You will tell her". He nodded and i got up and walked out.

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