Medical Supplies

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Carl was going to get medical supplies, and I couldn't stop him. So being me, I went with him.


He shot the walker behind me, and I ran back to him in the medical room. They walker was so close to biting me, I was so scared.

I tripped and twisted my ankle, being me of course.


Carl rushed over to my side, dropping the medical gear. I touched my ankle and stood up, it hurt but I couldn't let Carl know until we got back.

"Come on, we need to get back."

He grabbed the bag and we walked, I limped, out of there. Carl shot another walker and then we got back. We went to Hershel's cell and put the medical supplies on the bed.

"Carl! Lily! Where did you guys get this?"

"We found the infirmary. We packed up on supplies. It's no bug deal I killed 2 walkers."

"It is a big deal. Are you two okay?"

We nodded then my ankle finally gave out. I fell on the floor and my head hit the ground, I saw Carl looking down at me, then I closed my eyes.


-A while later-

We ran through the door, Carl and I holding our guns up in case of walkers. The heard was passing us by.

"The baby is coming"

It all happened so quickly all I remember was crying into Carl's shoulder. She was like my mom, and Carl was like... I don't even know. Blood, everywhere, Maggie held the baby in Carl shirt. I grabbed Carl's shoulder, and none of us could stop crying. When we finally got back, Rick looked at us. He saw the baby, and Carl looked down. None of us could take it. Lori was dead, Carl shot her, I cried again. Daryl even looked down. I looked down, and screamed. I fell to the ground and everyone gathered, Rick and I were in the same state, Carl was trying not to break. I cried, so hard.

"Come on, let's go inside."

I glanced up at Carl, Daryl, everyone. We went back inside and I went to my cell. Carl let me be alone, because I wanted to be. Beth ignored me. Everyone went their separate ways. I sat there, and morned. I barely knew her, but I loved her as if she was my own mom. I thought she would live through this, but she didn't. I laid on the bed, and cried myself to sleep. I was so tired, that I didn't even notice Carl rubbing my arm.

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